is this forum dying and other questions
Is this forum dying

are we desk jockeysNerdBiker rather then road pilots

the reason why i ask is both myself and busa666(though i am not speaking on his behalf), have posted notifications of rides and in fact it is almost a religious cderomony most weekends

then add to this the numerous willowbank day threads yet the only attendance i have seen from these threads is from the early days of myself being here and meeting gcbusa.

diablo has pm and posted a couple of times saying due to work or family commitments he was unable to make it however as far as response goes thats about it

looking at the annaual run whilst 38 is a fair group ride number, realistically there would be more hayabusas on the goldcoast then 38, considering the board covers the australian continent 38 is not that good

to cap it off one post on ozsports bike seen more thread response and attendance then any ride post i have posted here

whilst i am not trying to take away from all the hard work people do here i was curious to other members outlook on the subject

what i have gained from the forum is a few close friends i am proud to call mates,my riding ability has improved immensly. I have discovered that the hayabusa is definately my preferred bike, though i must say they are not as quick as the hype makes out.

to end my rant I posted our latest route for this weekend with only thirty views which half of these views would be busa 666 or myself checking for response. not one reply!!

perhaps southern qlders are not that social
Sorry dude, saw this after I made my last post. Unfortunately, some of us are on shift work, it can be a bit hard to fit in. If you are available on Saturday, you are more than welcome, we can discuss your questions over a coffee!!!
whats has been depressing is the constant bikkering of members its come down to a point where i dont want to read the AHC forum ,

this forum was supposed to bring members intouch with each other , not at each others throats

april 2011 i will be launching a fortnightly or monthly ride day or overnite run in NSW and in all honestly i dont think it will get 2 looks from members , we have and spent to much time online when we could be rideing , im not pointing fingers at members but im not happy with all the goings on we are acting like school kids we really are

i have made some really good freinds away from the AHC and some of those freinds arent on here anymore which is a true shame guys as you would really like them ,
Like Diablo says, I work shifts, have more time off in the week than weekends, and weekends are usually cop infested, so my riding is generally done in the week. Plus the roads are quieter then too. Also some dont like riding in groups. I'm not a fan of large group rides myself. It's horses for courses. The forum provides some good info, some interesting people, and occasionally you meet up with some and make good mates. I regularly post my ride intentions on another forum and seldom get a reply. But whatever, I dont rely on others to enjoy my riding.
a few good points have been raised here, Big Kev mentioned all the bickering lately which could turn away any new members wanting to join. Pommie and Diablo also have valid points about having the time to commit to a full days ride. I know I would have trouble most of the time committing to a full day ride, but a ride for a few hours is usually no problem. I have only meet one other member so far but would be keen to catch up with some more, hopefully Saturday.
i love this club and the people
(11-11-2010, 07:05pm)big kev Wrote: i love this club and the people

Me Too BikerBikerBiker
If it doesn't feel good........Your doing it wrong !!!
I love this club but have read people bikkering here and it kinda makes you feel as a newbie that you dont wanna post as much as you really want in case people bag you...I rred alot but dont post as much as i want-still love this site though, and most people have such a good sense of humour. I bet you'd get the bikkering on all forums. Thats my two cents if anyone cares.
I understand the points raised about shiftwork and family as well as the large follow the train numbers which some riders dont enjoy including myself. both are vaild points
however groups up to 5-6 are not only safer then solo, the buzz after the ride with a coffee or a beer is always better when shared with others.It is a great way of winding down after the stresses of a hard week at work

one of the reasons i slowed my visits to the board was the constant bickering, I had a vision or should i say a perception when i joined the forum of the odd ride once a month or so with half a dozen busa hitting the road and visiting the odd coffee shop.

i am somewhat of a loner i tend to keep people at arms length however i am glad i made the effort to meet up with a few members here it would of been nice to meet a few more.

I have clocked up 42,000 in 2 yrs on the 06 and have discovered some beautiful country .

whats the point of owning a bike if you dont ride

As for the forum, name calling and slandering whilst sitting behind a pc is a total waste of time....get a life... try going for a ride... and remember why you joined here in the first place
I have my own friends that I ride with, I tend to avoid rides organised on forums because there always seems to be an ego there that's busy playing the one-up-man game or some other random bullshit. The majority of forum riders are decent good people. It's those few that annoy the crap out of me.

And I can do without the aggro.

(11-11-2010, 07:40pm)surfabusa Wrote: one of the reasons i slowed my visits to the board was the constant bickering

You and me both. I'm extremely careful what posts I click on, because, damn, if these people behaved like this in real life, it's little wonder they're busy carrying on like a pork chop on the Internet as if they have no friends. The Real Life or Jersey Shore actor candidates if I ever saw them.

Like I said before, the vast majority of forum members appear to be good decent people. It's the extremely foolish, uneducated, vocal minority with an inflated sense of ability, knowledge and entitlement that have pretty much killed every motorcycle forum I've ever participated in.
Hi there,

I thought I would take the opportunity to reply to this thread, as I am one of the people who dont post on this forum much if at all.

I joined the busa forum in 2003, on the eziboard forum before it crashed and we moved. Back then there was a lot of constructive input, as well as some good friendly banter. There was always a good laugh between the states, and we rode our bikes.

NSW rode every last Sunday of the month!!!!

Then things changed. It was like people had bottled up their negative thoughts, and it all came out in one hit.

We also have posted events, and not had a single response, even though people view the thread. Even if it was to say thanks but no thanks at least you responded.

Now there is little added to the forum in the way of constructive articles, the most popular thread is the "freedom of speech" thread. I came to this country in 2002, got a job, and have never bludged on society in this country, yet some would hate me for my country of birth.

So until we take this forum back to what it used to be, I'm happy not to post anything on this forum at all. For those of you who have PM'd me for help, I am happy to continue to provide assistance to fellow motorcycle riders.

And in closing, not all forums are like this, some are really good, some are vertical and breathing, and some are in the place that we are now, at a crossroads where we either turn it around or shut it down.
(11-11-2010, 07:05pm)big kev Wrote: i love this club and the people


Very unique, genuinely friendly forum.
Mate I have become a desk jockey as all I do is work - I dont have personal ride time. Apologies.
As evilRasp said, I too have a lot of friends that I ride with already locally.Some of the rides are very short and some are weekenders. These friends and myself are all Brisbane northside. Combined with rostered weekend work and a family it's difficult to get everywhere.I've met a lot of members from this forum on previous overnight rides . Great people, I've been lucky. I also am involved with another club and their forum is as dead as a doornail .
I'll also agree with Pommie , Sundays are becoming Police central lately.

Have a good day out .
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Busa's yeah i guess i like them I've owned a few Pi_tongue

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