If they only knew...
Compulsory advanced driver training and retesting every 5 yrs would also have a huge influence on the toll but i don't think the public transport system could cope...
Dont think there is any tolerance for speedo error now in Qld since they introduce the digital cameras. My last one was 87 in an 80 on the Pacific Highway. The one before was 143 in a 100 which he knocked down a bit so as I didnt lose my bike and licence, so not complaining about that one.
While going through some paperwork on the weekend I found my last two speeding fines and had a laugh.
Both in a 100km/h zone on the same road on the same morning - 124km/h (6:03am) and 119km/h (6:06am).
Yep, they were 3 minutes apart.
My brand new car's speedo read 112 when actually doing 100. Dealer said that was within tollerance.
I took it back and complained bitterly at the 1st service. After much arguing they agreed and replaced the speedo cluster, apologised and said the new one was correctly re-calibrated and assured me all was now perfect. Guess what - new speedo read exactly the same 112 at 100kmph. Only consulation was the 3000km I clocked up in the week between ordering and fitting now doesn't show up.
Just put new tyres on the car (only got 16,000km out of 1st set !!!!) and went up a profile from 35 to 40. (Car's original was 245/35/19)
Speedo now spot on!

Just got back from UK yesterday, speed cameras everywhere, but I was in a hire car in a foreign country - so who cares!! Lol3 On the motorways traffic in the outside lane st on about 90mph. (20mph over)
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
You wont win, but good luck!
Driver training in my opinion does little to help.

We are capable of simple motor skills from babies. By the time we are adults its not to hard to control foot on, foot off, turn steering wheel. (i of course refer to cars because us bike riders are perfect)

I believe the issue on the roads is one of respect. People do not have or show respect towards other road users and thats something you cant teach or legislate against.
[Image: bmr.gif]
Finland supposedly has the best drivers in the world.
For the average Joe it takes 3yrs to get your full licence in Finland. Everybody must go through proper professional training, off-road driver training, skid-pan type stuff. The works.
(19-07-2010, 01:26pm)mybb Wrote: You wont win, but good luck!
Driver training in my opinion does little to help.

We are capable of simple motor skills from babies. By the time we are adults its not to hard to control foot on, foot off, turn steering wheel. (i of course refer to cars because us bike riders are perfect)

I believe the issue on the roads is one of respect. People do not have or show respect towards other road users and thats something you cant teach or legislate against.

Well..yesterday I went and did yet another Qride course at a cost of $370 and a day of my time only to repeat what I did a yr ago to get my RE but on a bigger big, which was daft because it was all at low speeds at Mt Cotton and totally a waste of my time..... on the way home a little sh*t of a P plater nearly took me out changing lanes in busy traffic without checking and when his mate saw me they went back into their lane only to try mine again...... they then proceeded to weave traffic at speed without indicating and from what I could see were either drunk or drugged... eitherway training or no, restrictions or no, police or no, nearly killing someone or no... they didn't give a rip.... it all starts with people having no respect and thinking the rules apply to everyone else.

I showed them some one handed riding skills and a significant amount of sign language but it will make no difference.... I'm really getting over 20-30yr olds who are just arrogant dimwits but I am more frustrated with the whole approach to getting and keeping a license in Australia.... can we make it any dumber???? Off my soapbox now too!
I have to agree about the BA utes, my rig is the same. Actually 5-7km's under.

Damsel - love Mt Cotton, lol although I did it at much higher speeds around the skid pans, and road course in big rigs - night and day. But the skid pan stuff was sweet as, you could say I went for gold!!!
Go hard, or Go home!
I will certainly contest any ticket for 5km /hr over epecially after reading this. Have in the past just paid to have it go away. I for one don,t look at the speedo continuously so could be over but rarely under on the bike in traffic. May not win but help clog system.
Wrote em' a letter a while ago now. Will let you all know soon as I get a response.
TBH guys squiddy as it is if they don't waive it I'm rigging up a mechanical plate.
I have faith in society but seriously, 4K/hr over? f*** em'
I read somewhere recently that in Victoria over a 1 year period (08-09) there were more than 650 speeding fines
issued to Police officers that were caught over the posted limit.

The best part is more than half of those infringements were waived and the drivers let off with only a warning.
Quick update: I won, it was withdrawn.

Just goes to show, good can conquer evil in this horrible f*&^ing world.
Good one!!

Maybe there's hope for me, got pinged the other day, spotted the stationary car with the radar from ages away, but ignored it as was doing about 90 in a 100 zone, in a BUS full of pensioners. Took the foot off when I saw the 80 zone, and thought the bus would slow easily by the time I hit the sign.
It was slightly downhill and as the flash went off I was surprised, then looKed down and realised I was doing about 85! - and I know the speedo reads at least 1km over at that pace. I just couldn't believe it!!! f***!!!
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Well done Sutur ,one for the good guy's .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Good one sutur,it's good to see some common sense prevailing

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