[NSW] Mental Illness Awareness Ride
Meet at Albion Park Maccas at 8:30am to register.

details here---> http://www.tourismwollongong.com/whats-o...spx?e=1057
Hey guys this is something we can all be involved in , we all have known or know some one with mental illness and this can affect our lifes in alot of ways , i my self have a family member(sister) who suffers from mental illness and even though i cant be there on the ride day to help i will be there in spirit and support this great cause , i hope that some members can attend this and show our club support .

thanks guys

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Clap Clap Clap

Awesome work guys....

I find it comforting to know that mental illness is recognised and understood and most of all I should have guessed that it would have been bikers to raise awareness!

I have lived with Bi-Polar and depression for most of my life, It's not easy and unfortunately it has affected others too, such as the people that know me well and family, they have got used to my, what I like to call PMS (Psychotic Mood Swings) *my personal joke/twist on it* and know how to deal with it and talk me through it. The worst part is the embarrassment after realizing the things said in both highs and/or lows (mania's and depressions), I pretty much do the same things most people with bi-polar do, like, get excited easy and begin to shout sentences, then at times that excitement is overcome with embarrassment, depression and sometimes anger....
I have learned how to (at most times) deal with the effects of bi-polar due to cognitive thinking (thought process) and I can manage to turn negatives into positives, but most of all I keep it in my mind and empathise with the people who suffer more from mental illness and physical disability and how they are challenged.

I apologise for my rambling, this just means a lot to me and will mean a lot to those that live with mental illness.
I also can't attend but I too will be there in spirit, and I will do what I can to support this awareness cause.

I raise my helmet Very Happy

Stay Upright Coolsmiley
[Image: hayabusa-5.jpg] [Image: HayabusaLogo-Grey.gif]
This is another worthy cause that motorcyclists are involved in.

Unfortunately we are unable to attend because I found out yesterday that I have DVT in my right leg, so it is sit around with my feet up for me for a week or so Frown

It would be good to see and hear some positive publicity towards motorcyclists for their participation in these worthy cause rides.
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa Smitten
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT Smitten
Kev & Bazz, my sister had bi-polar, schizophrenia and manic depression, and sadly took her own life almost 6yrs ago at age 28, so I know all about the effects of Mental Illness. I just hope there's some good media coverage of this one, as Mental Illness remains one of those topics that very rarely gets discussed openly, let alone in public. It's like there's still a great taboo about it, yet most of us have had direct or indirect dealings with it in one form or another.

I won't say my thoughts will be with you guys on the day, because I'm sure I'll be remembering my lil sis, as I'm sure you'll understand. However, I will be there rain or shine to ride for the cause.

Kathy, hope you've got some good DVD's coz daytime TV sucks, unless you've got rich-man's TV. Get well soon.
im so very sorry that this has happen mate and at such a young age as well mate , just know mate that our thourts are with you on the ride mate , abd ride safe please
Well guys, the ride went really well. Massive turnout. The entire carpark at Albion Park Maccas was choc-full of bikes! It was huge. I didn't hear what the numbers were but going down the big dipper of the Kiama bypass it was bikes from crest to crest. What a sight!

Then I get home and decide to lube the chain while it was nice and warm. You know the drill: a little squirt of Bel-Ray, roll her forward a foot or so, another squirt and so on... roll forward to get to the last bit of chain with no white shit on it and over she goes! Fell off the side-stand and into the side of my ute. Believe it or not, Hayabusa 1, Triton 0. The ute came off second best. Thank f*** for that!
The ute only had one panel with no dents in it- not any more! Shit happens.
i heard from some 1 that went to the ride and he had said that there was only 500 off bikes , glad it went well mate ,
(09-08-2010, 09:11am)highwaybruiser Wrote: Well guys, the ride went really well. Massive turnout. The entire carpark at Albion Park Maccas was choc-full of bikes! It was huge. I didn't hear what the numbers were but going down the big dipper of the Kiama bypass it was bikes from crest to crest. What a sight!

Then I get home and decide to lube the chain while it was nice and warm. You know the drill: a little squirt of Bel-Ray, roll her forward a foot or so, another squirt and so on... roll forward to get to the last bit of chain with no white shit on it and over she goes! Fell off the side-stand and into the side of my ute. Believe it or not, Hayabusa 1, Triton 0. The ute came off second best. Thank f*** for that!
The ute only had one panel with no dents in it- not any more! Shit happens.

Bloody hell!!! Scary you should get yourself a rear stand buddy!
Here you go mate, and Kaneg gives the club a discount. Cheaper than repairing your bike or the ute. Kaneg ships the same day if you order before 1.30pm and he is a TOP BLOKE (loves the club). Good luck and sorry to hear about your sister, it is a brutal disease.

(09-08-2010, 11:45am)CeeJay07 Wrote: Bloody hell!!! Scary you should get yourself a rear stand buddy!

Yeah, or put the bitch in gear next time and give the side-stand a little security kick forward before leaning her over.

Heidi, thanks for the link. I'll think about that.

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