Mobile Speed camera locations in NSW
#1 Police

" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
I'd just like to give a huge F*** YOU to the RTA, the NSW Criminals With Badges...I mean, Police Force...the NSW Minister of Revenue Gathering a.k.a Transport, and all of the other maggots involved in this. Kiss my ass.

I read that one of the guys who was employed to drive a mobile speed camera in Arizona was killed in a drive-by shooting because he was operating a mobile speed camera. I hope someone firebombs all of these vans, after getting the operator to evacuate first, of course.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
And we all know the crashes listed in the attached document where because of speed.

They would never be because of inattention, mobile phone texting, or because they just could drive a car for sh one t.

Busdriver (aka Les)
I wonder if they have sleep camera as well, for those who fall asleep and drift off into the coffin.
Well was in Lyons Road at Drummoyne today around the corner from my place and I had great luck in getting my speed checked by one of those White Ford Things!! They stick out like a sore Toe!! Was flashed by numerous vehicles approaching it! Oh yes what a great addition to our Safety..... I could see it was just set up to get people under 10 klms over as it is impossible to go Faster than that there. Oh yes what a great revenue raiser for our crap Government!! Wtf

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