Do you wave?
Yep, always. But when I'm doing the big goofy wave they have no choice but to wave back.
i wave at everyone, and ive noticed that i get more guys on H-D's either nodding or waving back than any other group, i believe my record is when i was going along the freewaay oneday and there was a group of about 15 cruisers, i waved and was surprised when every one of them waved back, the precious R1 pilots never seem to wave back tho
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad
i do. l but i have a nod/wave cause they are on a bike theory.
and io usually get a nod or a wave back from them

IMO if a rider is too up themselves to nod or wave back after i've sent one their way, then that is their problem.

i'll still nod or wave if given half a chance
(06-07-2010, 06:59pm)Timmy_0_T00l Wrote: the precious R1 pilots never seem to wave back tho
Ain't that the truth!

I recently heard that the average R1 lasts 3 weeks, before being written off. Maybe that's why they don't wave back: they need all their concentration to not die.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
the R1 pilot that i know has a friend over in WA that wrote off 2 R1s in about 6 months and when he went to buy his third not one of the insurnace companies would insure him, and the best bit was when he wrote off his last one it was because he was trying to do a wheelie in his driveway, lost it and ended up bringing down his entire carport on top of his bike
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad
(06-07-2010, 08:04pm)Timmy_0_T00l Wrote: the R1 pilot that i know has a friend over in WA that wrote off 2 R1s in about 6 months and when he went to buy his third not one of the insurnace companies would insure him, and the best bit was when he wrote off his last one it was because he was trying to do a wheelie in his driveway, lost it and ended up bringing down his entire carport on top of his bike
Bahaha! That would've made a great YouTube video.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
I passed the Sydney Girls day out ride once up the bells like of road to Lithgow on my way back they had about 60 bikes after 20 bikes passed I gave up they were spread over about 20kms Scary
I still nod or raise index finger if not braking, but I have noticed that it seems to be dying out in recent years. Sort of makes you feel out of place when you don't get a reply.
I alway's nod or wave, unfortuneatly, it is a dying art in the m/c world. I find the new wave of unsocial Nikey Bikies, whether they ride Harley's or R1's never wave or nod, but then again they probably aren't game enough to break their concentration in case they crash!!Lol2

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

Well !! Scary Imagine living on Kangaroo Island...Everybody waves at finger off the steering wheel.......and at me on the bike.......half the roads here are shit so my head is bouncing around a fair bit............ i got the nodding covered !!
If it doesn't feel good........Your doing it wrong !!!
(07-07-2010, 05:30pm)motoplast Wrote: I alway's nod or wave, unfortuneatly, it is a dying art in the m/c world. I find the new wave of unsocial Nikey Bikies, whether they ride Harley's or R1's never wave or nod, but then again they probably aren't game enough to break their concentration in case they crash!!Lol2

Tex & Bundy

They aren't waving at you Tex they are mostly having a mad fit with arms & legs going everywhere when they realise Bundy is in control & your just the pillion Boobies4 Lol2
I've never been one to wave, or see other riders waving, but I nearly always nod. When I started riding on the road about 15 years ago I noticed every other rider nodding at me, and I realised straight away this was a symbol of acknowledgment. Sort of a silent ' Hi there, fellow rider'. I had grown up in the country where drivers coming towards you would always acknowledge you by raising a finger off the steering wheel, so for me nodding to other riders felt sort of normal.

Over the years I've noticed the number of riders nodding has declined enormously, that it is now rare to get a nod, whereas it used to be rare to not get a nod. Unless of course the rider was on a hog.

Through my own observations, and talking about this with fellow riders, it would seem that many riders will only nod to riders on the same class of bike, based on three distinct types. Cruisers, Sports, and Dirt/Motards. As someone else mentioned, scooter riders just don't seem to get it. They don't ride because they love riding like us. They do it to save money. If they loved riding they would be on a bike, not a frickin scooter.

The decline in the use of gestures towards fellow bike enthusiasts saddens me, but the development of bike rider forums such as this great one makes me still feel part of the bike riding family.

On a different note, I have started to regularly make a particular gesture at naughty car drivers. I do most of my commuting on dual lane roads and see shitloads of drivers on mobile phones. I ride right next to their window and wag my index finger at them (like your mum would) as if to say 'Tut-tut-tut'. I have never had a driver not stop talking or texting, and they never look angrily at me (usually smile sheepishly). Maybe they are worried I might be a Police in plain clothes.
If it's too loud....You're too old!
If it's too fast....You're too old!
If it's too sexy....You're ???
everyone thinks im a cop because of the colour of my bike, maybe i should start doing that
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad
I always wave, to everyone, no matter what bike they're on, we're all in the same boat out there. when I first started riding in 1985 on a GSX 250 I still remember the feeling I got when most of a group of harley riders waved to me, and I've waved to everyone since then, although it seems to be dying out I won't stop and I hope it leaves the other non-waving rider wondering "he waved at me and I don't know him. maybe I should wave too"
Sometimes I don't wave simply because I'm concentrating on the road and don't notice the other bike until it's too late.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.

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