Tex Perkins plays Johnnny Cash
If you get a chance, go see this, it is BRILLIANT!! Tex Perkins is always worth watching Smitten but he does an amazing Johnny Cash. I think the tour ends in Perth 24 August- 5 September, but if it tours again go see it. I've never seen a theatre crowd on their feet cheering before.
Was that for the performance, or whehn he finally left the stage (hahahaha)?
Tell you what, if it wasn't such a polite crowd, there would have been knicker throwing!
(02-07-2010, 10:56pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Tell you what, if it wasn't such a polite crowd, there would have been knicker throwing!
I thought you were a good girl Heidi ,keep your knickers on.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
I know. I AM a good girl, I just have a thing for bad, bad men.

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