Rudd Out Gillard In
Go the red head!
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
- Mae West
I've learnt that religion and political discussions should be avoided on here, but Pi_thumbsup

Kev unfortunately seems to have personality disorder problems and a backroom staff with no mental health experience to see him through it.

Now if only the Liberals could find a decent leader, we might have some choices.
Carpe Diem!
Great... A ginger woman as PM; just what we needed. *Rolls eyes*
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Yes, but what chance of keeping her spot at an election when we've got a say in it?? Biker
People are like turtles....... you don't move forward unless you stick your neck out!! Boobies4
Go the Rangatang, pity She is sitting on the Titanic, Pi_freak
She actually has some brains for a polly Popcorn
I saw her a few months back at a local McDonalds and I said to her "what are you doing in here, they've already got one redheaded clown!"
(24-06-2010, 12:54pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: I saw her a few months back at a local McDonalds and I said to her "what are you doing in here, they've already got one redheaded clown!"

Your getting mixed up with Heidi, CJ Lol2

I'm so dead A Pi_freak
firstly ill say i never liked kevin rudd. having said that tho what right do these people have to decide the PUBLICLY elected prime minister is out of a job and this woman who nobody has voted for is now it. i have nothing against the woman i actually dont mind her and she comes accross as pretty decent for a polly but seriously who has the right to vote out a prime minister except for the public no matter how useless he turned out to be.

Ok, ok, I've had a think and come back to edit my post and take out some of the shouting and name calling. SEE! That's what happens when you give a ranger any power.

The way the Australian political system works, is you don't vote for the PM.

You don't vote for a person, you vote for a political party. The PM is chosen by the party in the party room, because we gave them the right to pick the person to lead the party when we voted them in. Yes you vote for a party that has a leader up, but you are voting for the party and the party's political platform. If you are voting for a personality then you deserve what you get. You trust them enough to run the country, you trust them enough to pick the leader.

Before you all go nutso and say, well I want to chose my own PM, look at the American system where they have that. In that system, the President is popularly elected. What that means is the person with the most money and the best political and financial contacts wins. It means you don't get the best and brightest, you get the richest and best connected. It also means the President can be in the ridiculous position of not being able to push policy through because he doesn't have the numbers on the floor and is constantly blocked.

Yes, I am aware cheap retoric is easier to digest.

Today on Sunrise, person after person kept saying, 'I don't usually pay much attention to politics, but (insert stupid comment here, mainly about Gillard driving the knife into the back of Rudd). Clearly they don't pay any attention to politics because it was a leadership spill. They happen. Whether you agree with the spill or not, they happen, they've happened before, they'll happen again. They are a part of politics.

Here endeth the rant. PHEW, I feel better now. I might send Koshie a sternly worded email.
P.S. I liked my first post better........
(24-06-2010, 01:29pm)Dan85 Wrote: firstly ill say i never liked kevin rudd. having said that tho what right do these people have to decide the PUBLICLY elected prime minister is out of a job and this woman who nobody has voted for is now it. i have nothing against the woman i actually dont mind her and she comes accross as pretty decent for a polly but seriously who has the right to vote out a prime minister except for the public no matter how useless he turned out to be.

Some years ago the most popular Prime Minister for years , Bob Hawke sadly ended his term in the same way by Paul Keating . He went on to also win the next election. It does happen and will happen again I'm sure.
(24-06-2010, 12:56pm)simmo Wrote:
(24-06-2010, 12:54pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: I saw her a few months back at a local McDonalds and I said to her "what are you doing in here, they've already got one redheaded clown!"
Your getting mixed up with Heidi, CJ Lol2
I'm so dead A Pi_freak

Looks like I got away with this one for now Lol2
Hmm well i think thats just a silly way to do business(or government) they should make me dictator and Max can be my trusty captain of the secret police(only cause he has big guns and can get rid of anyone who speaks out against me) and Heidi can be the minister for smart things, and Simmo can be the minister for talent recruitment for the public service(hopefully hiring lots of hot lesbians) Bruce can be the minister for roads and big burnouts. Les can be the minister for safety and all things Fluro!!! what a country we would have

It would be pretty and well organised. But Simmo would be dead, that is my first order of business.
(24-06-2010, 05:10pm)Heidi1 Wrote: It would be pretty and well organised. But Simmo would be dead, that is my first order of business.

MMM I had a feeling it was coming Pi_freakPi_freak
Thats the last time I leave my lap top on when Bruce is around Nerd

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