Nasho park. BASTARDS!!!!!
its been on all the forums and on facebook . its not nice that there sneaky but if your not out there speeding and breaking the law then its all good , but at the same time its a shit go hideing in the bushes
Bring out the Vespa.
Easy money for gov coffers.
This speeding focus is really out of hand.
(18-05-2010, 09:46pm)big kev Wrote: its been on all the forums and on facebook . its not nice that there sneaky but if your not out there speeding and breaking the law then its all good , but at the same time its a shit go hideing in the bushes
Arsholes, listen to the idiot getting all excited and exactly what did the bike do that was dangerous - f*&^ing nothing!

Bloody concrete heads.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
this needs to go to a current affair to show that this is a big fukking joke to them.. straight out revenue raising and being pricks.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
well with c**t's doing the same thing when me and my girlfriend go riding through Nasho... i say good on the cops!

that is -the riders overtaking over the 'solid line'

obey the rules, and you wont get stung! M4s the only safe place.bwahahahaha!
GenII Hunter Knuppel2
The first bike left his overtaking too late and pulled in too soon, he will probably be hit by a car in the near future . No problems with the second bloke.
(19-05-2010, 07:17am)Hutch99 Wrote: well with c**t's doing the same thing when me and my girlfriend go riding through Nasho... i say good on the cops!

that is -the riders overtaking over the 'solid line'

obey the rules, and you wont get stung!
Maybe you and your girlfriend are riding too goddamn slowly, being a pair of inconsiderate c***s, why is why other riders are forced to overtake you like that. Maybe YOU are the problem, jerk.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Fight, fight, fight.
I'm sorry guys, but they broke the Law.

Fred and Batman would back me up on that.

[Image: FredtheRookieCopextractcopy.jpg]

Hey Cotter,

which "Nasho Park" are we actually lookin' at here???? ConfusedUndecided
(19-05-2010, 11:43am)bazman Wrote: Hey Cotter,

which "Nasho Park" are we actually lookin' at here???? ConfusedUndecided
This is in Victoria, fortunately.

@ Hutch99

Were you riding through there on Sunday? - I passed a pair of bikes that were doing about 40km/h, which is frankly a bloody stupid speed to ride at; you endanger yourself and other motorists when riding too slowly.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Rainbow, pull your head in or take it to PMs. That's enough.
Your right all broke the law and should be held responsible. I am becoming afraid to go out on the road. Selling my car bike and Vespa. Anyone have a Red Bull aircraft for sale?
(19-05-2010, 10:56am)Camel Wrote: I'm sorry guys, but they broke the Law.

Fred and Batman would back me up on that.

[Image: FredtheRookieCopextractcopy.jpg]


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