moving other peoples bikes
Well twenty years riding bikes I thought I had seen it All
But yesterday showed that I hadnt
My girlfriend and I headed out yesterday and while I think I am mindful about where I park she thinks I am somewhat perdantic I have said to her many times that people dont care about bikes now especially when they park next to them,years ago they had this exclusion zone and people would give them a wide berth
Anyway we sat eating our meal and then she said That girl over their is touching the mirrors on your bike and I said dont be silly then she said she is trying to move it so I looked up and sure enough this twenty something girl was holding on to the handlebars at which time I yelled out stop what you are doing and walked over and said what the F**** are you trying to do she said I want to get my 4wd in here as I could fit if 'This' was over further I said first of all leave my bike alone and then told her to never ever touch something that doesnt belong to her with a few words of colour thrown in,unbelieveable totally unbelievable!
I then proceeded to tell her she doesnt know the first thing about moving a bike and if she had dropped it then what I suppose you would just go and park somewhere else! If I hadnt of seen it I wouldnt have believed it! Keep It Where You Can See ItScary
ive had to warn people off putting their shitty nappy wearing kids on my bike for a "ride"

whats the matter with these retards?

hayabusa : nipponese for "most superb sports tourer"
i would have ripped her head off for touching my bike
yep, there are still oxygen thiefs in this world.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
You need to get one of these:

[Image: Bike9.jpg]

You should have waited until she parked her 4WD then gone over and keyed the hell out of it.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
general public have no consideration for someones property . which is shamefull to say the least .
What is it with people not respecting other peoples' stuff?? I'm amazed at the number of people who can't understand why you get upset when they put their snot-nosed, dribbling shitting-machine on your bike to "ride" it. They usually have zips and buttons on their lil' size 2 jumpsuits specifically designed to f#%k your tank up!! If I'm not there to ask, stay the F#%k off my bike!!
where do i get one of those stickers?

hayabusa : nipponese for "most superb sports tourer"
(10-05-2010, 08:21pm)Kala Wrote: where do i get one of those stickers?

cheers kev!

hayabusa : nipponese for "most superb sports tourer"
(10-05-2010, 08:25pm)Kala Wrote: cheers kev!


any time darl

Go hard, or Go home!
Yeh some people just dont think , i was sitting Down St Kilda one night when this bloke sat his kid on my bike Scary I just hit the remote start and boy you could still hear that kid screaming 200m up the road .
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(11-05-2010, 09:13am)ROD Wrote: Yeh some people just dont think , i was sitting Down St Kilda one night when this bloke sat his kid on my bike Scary I just hit the remote start and boy you could still hear that kid screaming 200m up the road .

i dont mind dad sticking his kid on a bike , the point of this is GP (general public) thinking that its just a bike and i will shift it and do as i please . theres no respece for someones personal property anymore its just blaintant disrespect for 2 wheels

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