power commander maps ?
Put the ctn of JDs down now Bruce you have work tomorrow Boobies4
Well saw 240 Hp out of a "Flashed" Gen I today (1397 with 40 Hp dry shot ) ................... also had a flashed Gen I went within 1 mph of australian record Trophy .................. no ECU or motor MELT down. Coolsmiley
Aaaaaaaaaah FLASHING it's the thing to do when you would rather out perform than out spend your opponent Pi_thumbsup
(29-04-2010, 08:21pm)fasterfaster Wrote: Well saw 240 Hp out of a "Flashed" Gen I today ................... also had a flashed Gen I went within 1 mph of australian record.................. no ECU or motor meltdown.
Aaaaaaaaaah flashing it's what you do when you want to out perform rather than out spend

I'm tipping its not a stocker Biker
Damn your quick simmo you must be a "flasher" Lol2 Lol2

[quote='fasterfaster' also had a flashed Gen I went within 1 mph of australian record :trophy:

That wouldn't be Jason's from gladstone would it .
(30-04-2010, 07:48am)fullbore busa Wrote: [quote='fasterfaster' also had a flashed Gen I went within 1 mph of australian record :trophy:

That wouldn't be Jason's from gladstone would it .

Certainly was he can ride that thing!

Pete are you the first performance bike shop in Australia to have a customer that has run good numbers?? Maybe you should add that to your signaturePi_tongue
Yeah he is starting to get some good numbers out of it, A streetbikes are hard to run that fast ,I could be wrong but i heard it did burn its self up on that pass, it has also gone that fast with stock ecu & pc but thats just what i'v been told so dont quote me on that .

Mark that would be Jasons
Also just to clarify no claim to being able to adjust fueling better with flashing than a commander (correct A/F is correct regardless of the means used to obtain it) .............. flashing simply enables more options without the cost of buying or fitting an after market device that equates to less cost to the customer.
I'll leave you with that. Biker

Anyone wanting to contact please do so thru petespitstop@wideband.net.au or 0754857155

PM's now disabled .
I find this quite funny the way this has worked out this thread was started from the bloke who brought my pc of me. To start with flashing i looked right into it made maps and changes on my home computer playing around even 2 days before i took my 1573cc to petes i still had the pc on it then i thought bugger it ill give it a go. So i swapped ecu and rotor and repinned the ecu since then i have changed maps kill time without a problem and it went 8.90 163mph as for hurting itself that was in the final and has nothing to do with fueling if you owned a 8mm stroker busa you would no it happens . Yes it has been that mph before with a pc. I never had an issue with my pc but you would be be mad not to get your 02 onwards busa flashed if you didnt have a pc to start with as you can ride away tuned up for the same price or less than a pc. Since then ive had my gen2 flashed and it went 9.42 154mph first meet out. Im not blowing wind up petes arse im not into that. All that im getting at is blokes on here that are knocking flashing have either not tried it or are scared of trying something different other than a pc. anyway its up to the individual but im not disapointed in the direction ive taken. jason ellem
Well said mate and by the way well fugging ridden. Great times and MPH.
Love watching all motor and stock length. I have been listening to stories of your mid track power mono'sPi_tongue incredible.

Stock length measured and in competition has anyone one here done that all motor? No. Some have claimed it in their sig but wont do it in a measured competitionConfused

You my friend are someone who steps up to be measured and runs the numbers in competition not someone who justs claims records without proof.

I have been waiting for you to speak up about flashing thanks for stating the facts without bias.

Those that flame flashing either dont know what they are talking about or are protecting their own interests.

There you go I just flamed two cheats in one post!

That has to be a record worth a trophy!
competition or hire day, who gives a shit. An 8 was run all motor and stock length, Deny it all you want, a time slip is a time slip. Unless you do it yourself, which you wont, give the guy ( and we all know who ) his dues. Whether you like him or not............2fast4u You seem to spend a lot of time pissing off those you dislike and kissing the asses of the ones you do. I'm the first to shake the hand and congratulate anyone who achieves their goal, regardless of who they are. Do you? When you start achieving your goals, i will do the same to you. Until then...................................
A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

Without Flashing


With Flashing Pi_thumbsup

The gen 2 busa's go pretty good without any flashing or power commanders etc to. Ride around as smooth as silk on the street as well in my opinion.

My gen 2 went 9.28 @ 154mph with no fuel tune what so ever, running straight off the stock ecu and ran in the 153mphs on a regular basis. I believe that is still currently the quickest stock length/stock engine gen 2. I could be wrong though as it was a fair while ago now.

All depends what mods you want to set up or try to acheive with the bike I suppose.

Not a dig at flashing, power commanders or such at all, just some more food for thought.

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