Near 10 days off, me thinks a ride is in order.
Sounds like you covered similar or same as I am about to Missy! I don't expect I will go as hard as you did. Mine also has to double up for me as a battery recharging holiday. Big smiles before, during, and after?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Not me..... Aristotle
It's a great ride. I'll definitely be doing it again, albeit a few more stops and not so long days.
Go hard, or Go home!
Pretty impressive ride. Well done.
(15-04-2010, 05:42pm)Missy_Moo Wrote: It's a great ride. I'll definitely be doing it again, albeit a few more stops and not so long days.
(06-03-2010, 10:25pm)Missy_Moo Wrote: Ok will have happy (or crappy) steam to blow off after my next assessment week March 15th.

So with either good or crap news - I have near 10 days off before I next from to work.

I was thinking of a ride. Something like this.

Head South, Mackay to Brisbane, maybe slightly inland. Keep heading south, End up somewhere near the Vic/NSW boarder on the coast. I think I have Eden on the map, then mosey North along the coast. To brisbane, have 2 stops (2 nights) to do there, and ride the 12hrs home.

I have a map roughed out, but this one is freedom, stop where I want. I did this trip (coastal) by car from Tassie at the new year so I was mentally marking the map out then.

So its just me, my camera and time on my side.

Hi there MM, I might be out of town (Brisbane) by Sun 26th, but if you are passing through before or after we can have a coffee somewhere & even a ride to Mt Glorious(or Mt Cootha) if that suits.
I wouldn't mind joining you for the trip South except I have to be in Melbourne. Let me know which day you are going to be in Bris if you want to meet up for a feed/meal/light refreshments.
PM me and I'll send over my mob #.
Sorry FP I already did the ride. Got back before the easter school holidays.
I do come down to Brissy a couple of times a year. I'll let you know when I am next that way.
Go hard, or Go home!

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