power commander maps ?
Just get it dyno tuned by a good tuner.... No bike is the same and and Maps from OS are close but need to be worked on. In the 20years i have been dyno tuning I have never used the same map twice.
custom mapping is only way to go as it set up to suit our climate
Just get it set up properly or leave it stock standard. Its not worth messing with these issues.
(27-12-2009, 05:55am)Darren Wrote: power commander maps are the european maps ok to use in australia whats the diffrence ?

thers one ther that suits my bike but its a european map.
I have some gen 2 maps somewhere if they are any good to you
for K&N & 4-1 system

Some of us are re-flashing our ECU's now, they dont fry like power commanders
Rob in the 10 years I have been using powercomanders I have only had 3 that have f****d up and one of then was that the customer shorted the computer out. Have a good LOOK at re-flashing its not the best thing to do..You only get 1 hit at burning your stock ecu at the same point . If you burn the same tuning point 2 or more times you will be out by 6% if or more, and it only gets worse the more you do it.
The easy and cheap way out is not the best way.... You pay for what you get. Yes it works but only if you get it the first or 2nd time. After that the same setting (eg tune point ) is just not the same. Its like your lap top you can only reformat it a few times after that if f****d.... never to be the same.
But what do I know...Confused after all this time I am still the new kid on the block Lol2
Jamie your thinking of the the yosh/suzuki box adjustments , there like GST add 10% then to get to the same figure in reverse remove 11%, ok if you know what has been done before
Reflash is just like programming a motec or other aftermarket ecu except it is not live , some have flashed a single ecu several hundred times in developing this and can still return to std settings by reloading the original suzuki files that come with every Ecu Editor program
I fried one, Ruffy, Greg & I think it was Dan was the other one I think there must be a lot more out there have had the same problem with no overseas help
With mine the Hub took it out so I had a double hit pc3 & hub
Power commander are easyer to tune to start with but once on top of the ech program its easy as, I have re-flashed my about 30 times or more trying different things I recon, it can do the lot, kill for a shifter, Ignition, TRE, change the ABC modes, extra map for turbo of NOS, raise the limiter if you need that and a lot more is going on as they keep unloading the codes, with out all the add on cost from dynajet
As I have several guys coming on Saturday for a reflash have to clarify a little here as I do not want them getting the wrong idea regards "Flashing" the ECU.
100 + on what Maj has stated.
I have personally flashed my own ECU (which was the first Gen II to be done in Oz) over 55 times whilst building a base map and also adding features as they became available thru ECU Editor software.
One can only repeat here that ECU flashing is the best thing thats happened for the Hayabusa in the ten years it's been produced, the benefits and money saved is second to non.

I'm sorry Jamie but you are totally wrong in your comments above.

You can reflash forever without causing any problems with the ECU the same as you can with a Motec.

I am sure you know that is true as you used to work with Motec in your earlier years. the flash software and hardware make the stock ECU fully reprogramable same as a Motec system. You are not burning or chipping just rewriting the ECU parameters.

By all means fit a power commander if thats what you want but if you think they are more relaible or cheaper than a reflash then you are wrong.

Do a search here, on .org or on any performance bike forum for failed powercommanders and see how many hits you get. They have a high failure rate and no back up at all from the manufacturer if you are not in the US.

Like Simmo's mine has been reflashed dozens of times without problem. the speed limiter has been removed, the rev limit raised, the retard in the lower gears removed all by reflash and the 1441 purrs like a big kitten.

I have a power commander 111 and a power commander v (new in the box) for sale - anyone want to waste their money buying them? I'll sell them really cheaply!
Greg (Boostbysmith) just made 356 Hp with his Turbo Gen II
All parameters and adjustments controlled by the bikes standard ECU "Flashed"

A short list below of flashing capabilities
fuelmap tuning of both throttle and vacuum maps
- ignition map tuning
- secondary throttle plate opening tuning
- ram air / gear based fuel compensation tuning
- disable/enable oxygen sensor, pair sensor, idle control sensor, ...
- gear based shift cut programming (requires shift lever pressur switch or air shifter)
- dry nitrous control with nitrous ramp up and ignition retard settings (requires nitrous harness that is replacing pair)
- turbo boosftuel module (requires replacing stock pressur sensor with gm3bar map sensor)
- ...

Comment has been made "You get what you pay for" In the case of "Flashing" you get it and you don't pay for it.

Flashed more ECU's than any shop in Australia Yes
Jamie you are correct Pete tuned my bike. Since then I have reflashed a dozen times at home (even in the garage at work!) after down loading info from the datalogger. The fine tune has been adjusted by me based on info provided by the wideband/logger.

By the way the reflashing is the same as the powercommander both can be adjusted by the owner no difference apart from it costing a fraction of the powercommander cost.

I cannot see how reflashing could possibly scramble the ECU to the point where it had to be replaced.

What exactly had they done to it?
Did the ECU's really need to be replaced?
Jamie I re read your post and mate I'm calling absolute bullshit, your comments prove that you have no clue about reflashing and are just making up shit to protect your business.

I have contacted Petrik - the person who created the reflash software and he has confirmed that it is IMPOSSIBLE to damage a ECU with this software.

If you charged your customers for replacement ECU's then you have done them a disservice. If you still have those trashed ECU's let me know I'll buy them from you reflash them and sell em on.

The only way to damage an ECU is to short it out which would be easier to do with a powercommander with all its wiring - the Flash cables go into the standard ECU plugs so are virtually impossible to get wrong.

I will copy this thread to Petrik and ask him to comment here to state the truth - he can decide if your stupid potentially slanderous comments are worth persuing legally.
Biggest danger when setting up to reflash esp on the earlier bikes converting to 02+ ecu and rotor is the installing of the new section of loom or repinning of a couple of terminals, usually they are not installed deep enough and either will not work or becomes a failed download due to an inaequate connection, still flashes fine once the prob is sorted.

Unless there is physical injury to the ecu a reflash back to std should be able to recover just about anything even multitude of yosh adjustments as the yosh compensation can be turned off .
Have no intention of getting invloved in a shit fight here, but saying flashing wrecked an ECU is bull (cough) shit.
Jamie a base map (fuel) is not reloaded to the ECU ..........a .bin file is which is all the standard parameters set in the computer (ECU) when it is originally programmed from new.
Flashing is accepted worldwide now and to date not one report apart from yourself Jamie of an ECU being wrecked because of it.
As Maj has stated shorted wiring yes ........... re programming no.

I agree in what you say about it being in the wrong hands Jamie but then so is a condom Coolsmiley for if you stick it on the wrong head you'll surely suffocate Knuppel2 So then should we make a statement as a result of this that condoms suffocate people ? Idiot2
Ok enough of this bullshit ............ back to work as I have three busas here waiting to being kitted with NOS and ECU's flashed

Note ............... two 99 model power commanders going very cheap ............... 2 weeks old and one the bike was never ridden with it. make an offer and I'll see if owner will accept it ?

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