Brake experts question
HAve a new set of wave brakes and now I an getting a slight shudder under braking and a noise that I can only describe as sounding like a semi pulling up (that screeching brake sound big trucks make when pulling up), is it possible that the rotors are actually slightly warped - does anything else cause this to happen? Replaced the pads as a matter of course but no diff - have done about 400km so far and dont seem to be settling down
Egos; everyone got one

I'm far from being an 'expert' in this field, but ideally would want brand new pads right from the start with brand new rotors, mate (same ideology as having a brand new chain with brand new sprockets).....curiously, what brand Undecided are those wave rotors (and pads) ?!?


ps: very interested in this subject, coz i'm juz about to upgrade my own braking set-up. Pi_thumbsup
(09-04-2010, 08:25am)busakid08 Wrote: HAve a new set of wave brakes and now I an getting a slight shudder under braking and a noise that I can only describe as sounding like a semi pulling up (that screeching brake sound big trucks make when pulling up), is it possible that the rotors are actually slightly warped - does anything else cause this to happen? Replaced the pads as a matter of course but no diff - have done about 400km so far and dont seem to be settling down

Same happened to me on my R1, rotors slightly warped almost immediately they were fitted, (along with new pads). Took them back, machined flat under warranty of course, problem solved. Biker
Pads were replaced same time - rotors are from US CZ so not something I can just run up to the local bike shop and demand replacement - but thats the risk of internet buying I am fully aware of and my own choice etc etc, does sound like a warped rotor though I rekon. Tech support rekons they take time to bed in but I think after (now) 700km they have had plently of time - will prolly just have to bite the bullet and replace and pay again, thats life, still trying to work something out with supplier but not expecting much heh. Not sure I like these new flock of thin-style high performace brakes coming on to the market these days - had same issue with my dirt bike when I put on a race system and had to get that replaced as well (although yammy were ok about it). Let ya know if I have ay luck - otherwise look at getting new set of Galfers prolly if I can get to fit etc
Egos; everyone got one
Quote:will prolly just have to bite the bullet and replace and pay again, thats life..does sound like a warped rotor though I rekon

Elton, i just bought a brand new set of wave rotors which i havent installed as yet , your welcome to try them on your bike and see if they make a difference , this will give you a better idea if to see if yours are warped or if its the way they are.

Also if you spin the wheel slowly and watch the rotor pass through the caliper you will notice if its warped as it will snake as it passed through the caliper.
Turns out not brakes at all but cracked wheel - no wonder it was elusive heh
Egos; everyone got one
A cracked wheel? Holy shit...that coulda been nasty!!!!
Yep - had a coupla 200+ runs with the missus on the back the morning I discovered eeek scary shit - will be checking wheels every friggin ride now!
Egos; everyone got one
what model and what area of the wheel was cracking Confused
**faints at the idea of a cracked wheel**

Is there a history to cracked rim or is this something we should all be checking for?

(17-04-2010, 06:29pm)spanner spinner Wrote: what model and what area of the wheel was cracking Confused
Had you hit the gutter or something hard in the past? Stock or aftermarket rims? I've had three busas and never seen it, and I can't remember a lot of discussion about cracked wheels on the board. Anyone had this experience?

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