Tycho's Bussa Reborn - almost
Firstly - a huge shoutout and thanks to Blackzook for assisting me in the painting process. He literally sanded the skin off his fingers to get it right - which was a pitty coz he then wiped blood onto the panels just before painting.

Thanks to Legend for assisting in stopping the oil pissing out of my forks. Apparently landing wheel stands poorly may have contributed. So I promise to try and bring the front down softly from now on.

Thanks to Ned for providing moral suport and comic relief throughout the entire process.

Thanks to Heidi for cooking a wicked shepards pie on Monday night - but not for helping with the sanding process - ass clown.

I lowsided my red and black '05 at Phillip Island and we both went for a tumble throo the gravel pit. End result, lots of busted bits, but no busted bones. I tried to respray the nose myself, but couldnt even get the spray putty right, so gave up. The tank was dinged in, and I had some cheap chinese fairings on. So this is what we started with.
[Image: IMG00202.jpg]

Then we picked out some replacement panels out of Blackzooks collection and this was what we ended up with.
[Image: IMG00201.jpg]

Let the sanding begin.
I never knew sanding could be so much fun, and take so long. Its great for your arm muscles and would recommend it to anyone.

Hang em up in the garage and let the man start his work.
[Image: IMG00205.jpg]

After a thousand hours of sanding, here they are undercoated and hanging on the line.
[Image: IMG00207.jpg]

Then put on some color
[Image: IMG00212.jpg]

Ooooh, getting so close
I was thinking .."Does this guy know what he is doing? The color looks so flat!"

Then out came the majic clear coat
[Image: IMG00213.jpg]

And here they are on the pool table waiting for final finishing touches and stuff before being reassembled.

[Image: IMG00217.jpg]

I so cant wait till we get em on the bike..
Looking good Tycho, Pi_thumbsup

can't wait to see the finished product!!!! Yes


Well done boys.............I know a certain red head and I had a chat over the lack of love appearance to your bike.Lol2

Bruce saves the day again!Trophy

Congrats, can't wait to see final pics bro!Very Happy
NEVER question the big fella, he tends to know what he is talking about. Just a tip, if he doesn't, he'll try and use the scary voice. Dead give away!

Well done both of you, the panels look INCREDIBLE! The metallic flake is stunning under the lights of the pool table. Maybe you should park it there when it is done?
Impressive paint work , well done !
Nice paint Job when do i bring mine up Trophy
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Yes, thankyou, thankyou. It is good. You should be green with envy.

I can understand how you feel. There there, it'll be ok. Your bike doesnt look sooo bad, if you look at it from far enough away, in the right kind of shadow..

I wish I could take some credit. I could not have done it without the stumpy one holding the reigns.

Is it black ? Is it green? is it chromy looking ? Yes to all the above. Its a wild looking color, I love it. Cant wait to see how much faster it will make it go.
If you squint, and in the right light, it might almost make you cool. That Bruce is a MAGICIAN!
Yeah...agreed with everyone else...paint job looks really nice...can't wait to see it on the bike.

Go hard, or Go home!

"Bruces' house of colour".

Did you check for any other leaks around the fork area, Tycho?

Excellent Bruce ................ I know I'm stating the obvious when I say your not just a pretty face ............... ?
WOW, it's lookin' the goods.
Just don't lean it over quite so much in the future. Lol3

Can't wait to see the finished product. Are you going to add stickers??
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Clap nice work Guys & Gal Pi_thumbsup
Now Tyco look after it or Bruce will set Ned onto you Knuppel2
But Simmo, how do you know where your limits are unless you hit them? Scary

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