Loosing interest in the Busa
I was only saying to someone the other day that i dont seem to be interested in my Busa anymore i had not seen it for close on two months since i put into storage after i returned from Tassie at Xmas.
But picked it up today and got bit of a tingle back Very Happy Thanks To Bill for the trailer makes carting the bike so easy this trailer has done more Ks than my busa lol

[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
You need to go for a good blast Rod, and then very quickly you will get "all your tingle back" !
Mate, Best wishes on getting better. Its obvious that you have come down with something. I am sure it must be temporary. You will get the feelings back. That I know. When my Busa is parked up on its Stands because of foul whether, I never put the Grey cover over her, only because I would come down with the same disease you come down with.

Now that your Busa is home, your recovery rate will only improve and in no time you will be fully recovered.

P.S. Great Trailer.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Ride the bloody thing Rod. That's what they are for.
Rod I know how you feel, I never seam to find time to ride mine now a days and have even found myself thinking of selling her.
Well rod if you dont want it you can always donate it to the home for lost & unwanted Busas Pi_tongue

I promise I will love it & hug it & kiss it & squeeze it & RIDE it Lol2

Mate the first ride you crack open that throttle the Grin from ear to ear will return & you will think WTF was I thinking Pi_thumbsup
Isn't it Ironic that my Favourite Stretch of Tarmac is called C.O.P. Eek
Quote:I was only saying to someone the other day that i dont seem to be interested in my Busa anymore

time for a gen 2 , lol
So it only takes less than 8 weeks to lose interest in a Busa?
That can't be right. C'mon Rod, snap out of it.!!!
(28-02-2010, 10:44am)BikerBoy Wrote: So it only takes less than 8 weeks to lose interest in a Busa?
That can't be right. C'mon Rod, snap out of it.!!!

Went to snap out today and the thing would not start Batery dead as only just put new yoshi in just b4 xmas must be trying to tell me something
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(28-02-2010, 10:47am)ROD Wrote:
(28-02-2010, 10:44am)BikerBoy Wrote: So it only takes less than 8 weeks to lose interest in a Busa?
That can't be right. C'mon Rod, snap out of it.!!!

Went to snap out today and the thing would not start Batery dead as only just put new yoshi in just b4 xmas must be trying to tell me something

Yeah, it's trying to tell you;
Be careful Rod, you've got an angry Busa on your hands now. Lol3
Good stuff Rod I am glad that the trailer is going strong still looks as good today as the day i built it
Cheers [Image: th_arg-x-50-transa.gif]
Hey rod if your sick of it mate I'll hold onto it for ya

Earth to Rod, Earth to Rod, wake up mate, u are having a terrible nightmareScary, go charge ur's and the bike's battery, drink some concrete, go for a bloody good blast and u will be back to normal!!!Pi_thumbsup

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

Yeh i am kind of the same ATM - i live down near Bega now -- Misses is still up in sydney and have 14 KM of dirt road to my house - and add to that i have the kids so no time apart from school time to ride till she is down here ... But i need to remind myself -- open road - no idiots down here.... may go for a run to tathra and bermagui tomorrow :)
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
(01-03-2010, 12:21pm)je_dryst03 Wrote: This asshole has been banned.


You sick of deleting all his posts Bill Scary
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22

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