Violence, don't you love it

Just across the road from me.
I don't know what's going on but things are not well in good old Vic at the moment...
It's not just Victoria mate. I think it's the asshole nation that we all now belong to. At the end of the day this behaviour happens because Australia approves, otherwise it wouldnt happen.

I think the saturation of American tv/movies/media has accelerated the increase of this type of anti-social behaviour. Bloody yanks...why can't they bring back wholesome shows like Country Practice?
U could be onto something there CJ
The trouble is, their parents are obviously low life's, so what chance do they have ?

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(25-02-2010, 07:56pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: I think the saturation of American tv/movies/media has accelerated the increase of this type of anti-social behaviour. Bloody yanks...why can't they bring back wholesome shows like Country Practice?

If parenting here in Aus was better practiced some of this shit wont happen,its easy to blame the TV or some other country,but in reality the problem with some of these oxygen thieving little fcukers is a limited culture, no respect,down to your asscrack wearing pants and a shitload of bad attitude......the future does not look like its going to get any better.Gone are the days that if youre not in line the wooden spoon was the threat and the temporary tattoo of the day,now they will bring you up on abuse charges for as little as sneezing their way.
Wooden spoon?....wish I had've received a whack with that instead of the old mans' lunchbox sized fists!!!
Well Pete you have been told not to hang around Train stations when you play dress up in your wifes clothes Very Happy
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Wise guy hey...
Bring back the Waltons
Egos; everyone got one
Good night Pete Lol2
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Watch it!
hurry up and get down here Rod.
We are all waiting for coffee night again
(28-02-2010, 12:07am)DjPete Wrote: Watch it!
hurry up and get down here Rod.
We are all waiting for coffee night again
Our whole society is f****d from the grassroots up. Political correctness has gone bad - the apologists party have corrupted both sides where a simple belt across the back of the head may have saved some of our kids lives down the track.Pi_freakScaryPi_freak

WTF is that soap box icon???
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I agree with the comments above, however there is something else that has not been mentioned:

The fact that if someone gets arrested for a violent act when it gets to court, after many adjournments, the judge will let them off without imposing any consequence that resembles the maximum penalty. Not only does this cause people to re-offend, but kids see or hear about this and think 'hey I can do this too'......

What ever happened to 'Do the crime, Do the time'?

I also find that there is an enormous lack of respect. This starts at the adults and filters down through to the children. I know that my kids (which are teenagers) will hold a door open for someone and will get disheartened if that someone does not say a simple Thank you or if someone pushes past or knocks into you that they can't say Excuse me.....where has the use of simple manners gone?
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa Smitten
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT Smitten

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