Maybe it's a WA thing, I am not sure but is it getting worse out on the roads for us riders? I have been riding for almost 27yrs, the past 7 1/2 have been on my beautiful and loyal Busa (hey baby, who loves ya ). Last week we clocked up 150,000km's together but only just. We ride together everyday with the round trip to and from work just under 100km's. Most of that is on the freeway and in heavy traffic you can not avoid but be in someone's blind spot if only for a second. If these drivers (as most of us are also) decided to get off their phones and stopped doing everything else but actually drive, we might have a chance. In the last week alone I have almost been sideswiped twice, moved in on from another lane (oh look, a bike, never mind, I'll move into that spot regardless) countless times and generally disregarded as a road user. Phone use and inattention are at a all time high; I swear it is. The only thing that has saved me countless times is myself. If I was not paying attention and keeping an eye out on behalf of the tintops, who knows where or how deep under I would be. I am generally fairly forgiving but it is getting really bad. I will never stop riding bikes and hopefully with a bit of luck I will be for a long time to come.
I know what your saying, that's the reason I don't ride to work. But according to our Queensland Police minister it's the speed that kills hence the huge investment in catching people speeding . "Every K over the limit is a Killer"
It's amazing how you can tell what a car driver is doing without actually seeing it until you overtake them....dialling a number on their mobile, texting someone (that's getting more prevalent than ever)....and they see us bike riders as the bad guys on the road...if only the people that make all the decisions knew the truth of the matter.
(29-01-2010, 03:05pm)Monkeyfish Wrote: Maybe it's a WA thing, I am not sure but is it getting worse out on the roads for us riders? I have been riding for almost 27yrs, the past 7 1/2 have been on my beautiful and loyal Busa (hey baby, who loves ya ). Last week we clocked up 150,000km's together but only just. We ride together everyday with the round trip to and from work just under 100km's. Most of that is on the freeway and in heavy traffic you can not avoid but be in someone's blind spot if only for a second. If these drivers (as most of us are also) decided to get off their phones and stopped doing everything else but actually drive, we might have a chance. In the last week alone I have almost been sideswiped twice, moved in on from another lane (oh look, a bike, never mind, I'll move into that spot regardless) countless times and generally disregarded as a road user. Phone use and inattention are at a all time high; I swear it is. The only thing that has saved me countless times is myself. If I was not paying attention and keeping an eye out on behalf of the tintops, who knows where or how deep under I would be. I am generally fairly forgiving but it is getting really bad. I will never stop riding bikes and hopefully with a bit of luck I will be for a long time to come.
+1 agreed, I always try to keep myself at about 5 to 7 KM or 10 KM more then the average speed of the trafic. It always helpful when you are in need for some quick move.
I know what you mean, more traffic all the time, more people who just don't get it.
At the end of the day, rely on No.1.
ie. - everyone else out there is a dickhead looking to get you.
29-01-2010, 03:57pm (This post was last modified: 29-01-2010, 03:57pm by alpal.)
Well said, don't know if I could survive heavy city traffic again bad enough in regional centre, mobile phones should be illegal to have turned on in motor vehicle IMO carkit or not
29-01-2010, 07:14pm (This post was last modified: 29-01-2010, 07:15pm by DAD.)
If you take notice it will spin you out how many people are on there phones and or doing text messages while driving. Its times like this that I wish I was a cop.
I would be number one Mr plod for booking all these wankers.
The other week I had a woman cut the corner turning into the street that I was coming out of and nearly crap my pants. It seems it to hard to change down gears while talking on your mobile so easier to keep speed up cut in front of Mr bike rider and he will get out of my way.
Also had a lady on her phone do a u turn on a bend right in front of me double yellow lines and all yes had to shake leathers again.
Im sick of this crap. Speed is not the culprit.
2009 Super Duke
2011 Aprilia RS 125
Honda Lead Scooter
I agree with all of the comments made above, but I would also like to add that majority of drivers are either in a hurry to get somewhere therefore not concentrating, are just selfish and think only of themselves and not worrying about others as they figure someone will stop for them to do what they want to do or in the case of most P platers think that they are infallable. Remember it seems to be everyman/woman for themselves - dog eat dog world lately.
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT
I commute every day, nearly 100K round trip in HEAVY Sydney traffic. From out west into North Sydney daily.
I see all kinds of shit daily and have a no tolerance policy, If they do the wrong thing (not just a silly thing more a really stupid, FU thing) then I have words with them. Let them know that their actions have consequences. It's amazing how persuasive a big guy in a bad mood can be. Hopefully the are scared enough to look next time.
Only got about 4 million more in Sydney left to edumacate. My actions could give bikes a bad name but who f*&^ing cares.
Dont get me wrong I'm normally considerate on the road just have a low fuckwit tolerance.
As stated above YOU are the only one out there who really cares about you.
Well, its not just car drivers, last week I had a friggin Harley driver come into my lane and get so close that the leather tassles on his handle bar almost touched my mirror.... it was so lucky we did not hit each other!!
I actually had a near death experience on the Tonkin Highway yesterday morning. A young bloke in a ute chaged lanes right on top of me, no indicator, not sure if he even looked. Lucky I always asue the worst of drivers and was ready for this. No collison, but it certainly had potential.
Riding daily in the City of Melbourne during peak hour traffic is bad enough when you've got drivers not paying attention, but what I now consider much worse is the careless frakin scooter riders that have ZERO respect for cars, pedestrians and even us.
In the past three weeks I've had two nearly side swipe me and another one cut me off while splitting lanes. Then there's the ones that sit right up your ass in heavy traffic treating you as a personal battering ram that clears a path for them.
Just the other week on the news I heard of a scooter rider causing life threatening head injuries to a 6yo boy running into him while riding on the footpath, and others also had to jump out of his way. HOW F@#KED UP IS THAT!!!!!!!
The next one that comes near me and causes even the slightest amount of extra danger to myself is going to wish they'd stayed home that day.
This morning on St George St in Perth, a 50 cc scooter took a U turn in a high speed moving traffic and then he dared to go from right lane to extreme left and almost got rammed by few dozen cars...Fr*&king Idiot. I have on various occasions have come very close to a smash due to Cars on Mitchell Freeway moving from right to extreme left lane to take the last minute exit - no care of White lines or double white lines or Bikers.
(29-01-2010, 03:39pm)Pa King Wrote: I know what your saying, that's the reason I don't ride to work. But according to our Queensland Police minister it's the speed that kills hence the huge investment in catching people speeding . "Every K over the limit is a Killer"
Our QLD police minister is so full of shit his eyes turned brown,why dont they tell us how many bikes where bought and sold??????put that comparison in light and this K over crap is just fcuked!!!!!!Germans should be all dead if that was the case,but as we all know its just tips from us to them so there is more in their coffers.
(30-01-2010, 06:10am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Our QLD police minister is so full of shit his eyes turned brown,why dont they tell us how many bikes where bought and sold??????put that comparison in light and this K over crap is just fcuked!!!!!!Germans should be all dead if that was the case,but as we all know its just tips from us to them so there is more in their coffers.
We have 'speed is your biggest killer' in VIC with a photo of a blurred up naked yellow bike.
To be honest, I just don't have words to express the way I feel about life now, the grip this government has over it's country is so overwhelmingly depressing I strain not to think of the future.
Most of the time I don't bother commenting every time I hear another government-run campaign that just isn't right (like TAC crash statistics), or when someone posts on a forum about how they feel about the hypocrisy of government media and propaganda.
Because it's too late now, the government has it's grip and too few people are making a fuss about it, f***'s sake - most people don't even know they have a voice!!