'07 Busa
There you go Heidi, here are the pics as requested....and I promise I won't ride it until my neck is better Mum!!! Coolsmiley

Oh mate, it is BEAUTIFUL!! LUCKY DUCK! Ok, you are NOT allowed to ride it, but it is on the centre stand so you are allowed to go out there, scramble up onto it and sit there yelling BROOM BROOM and twisting the throttle like crazy.

Don't say I never let you have any fun.
I hate to admit it, but I've already done that (minus the broom broom noise...honest)
looks bloody tidy mate.
hope u recover soon!
(14-01-2010, 09:28am)CJ03 Wrote: I hate to admit it, but I've already done that (minus the broom broom noise...honest)

Must say I like the bike but that may be because it kind of looks identical to mine minus a bar riser kit - good year, good choice, good color, good pipes, and great on the road! Enjoy...
btw i think it would look pretty good to paint the front/rear sets. might give you something to do while ur injured?
(14-01-2010, 10:02am)[UNIT] Wrote: btw i think it would look pretty good to paint the front/rear sets. might give you something to do while ur injured?

I was thinking the exact same thing. Will clean & detail bike first to see how it looks all spic n' span.
It is going to be the shiniest bike in the club by the time you get on it. Take photos, that is probably the best it will ever look!
Took the "shinyspankyblak1" out for a ride this morning for about 1 1/2 hours (first ride since getting the neck brace off) and boy-oh-boy did it feel good. The '07 absolutely shits on the '03 I had in every aspect. Bloody happy with the purchase...thanks again Tex...you were bloody right...it's a great bike.....and I'm glad you didn't have the money to buy it yourself!!!! Biker
(28-01-2010, 12:56pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: Took the "shinyspankyblak1" out for a ride this morning for about 1 1/2 hours (first ride since getting the neck brace off) and boy-oh-boy did it feel good. The '07 absolutely shits on the '03 I had in every aspect. Bloody happy with the purchase...thanks again Tex...you were bloody right...it's a great bike.....and I'm glad you didn't have the money to buy it yourself!!!! Biker

Looks bloody lovely mate.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I have an 07 black myself, they look tuff as.
One of the best colours for the gen 1 going around!

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