03-01-2010, 08:06pm
Posted on another Bike Forum.
I Think it would be good to have the Busa's there. I'm going and quite a lot of others from other forums are going too. let me know either way
In recent news of Kirsty's (BUBBAGANUSH) cancer and recent decision to focus on other parts of her life while she still has time left and as my own personal tribute for myself to my dear friend Natasha who passed away from cancer.
I've decided to do a re-run of Bubba's Recognition ride. Before she has her wedding and puts her new plans are put into action.
The ride will be just like the last straight forward bypassing my favourite road, with a few twisties out to york for lunch. Which will be about 100kms worth of riding
As this is gonna be Kirsty's final ride, It would be great to see as many turn out for her and to have a enjoyable ride out to York, with her in attendance.
However this is an open invitation to any rider who wishes to come along to recognize cancer in general and how it can effect any one of us. I've be in contact with the local community papers to also try to get the ride plugged to not internet based riders and hopefully all comes to action and even gives the forum a little bit more exposure and also make people see how cancer can effect us all ad people in our lives.
Sunday 31st January 2010
*250-Learner Friendly
10:00am Meet
10:30am Depart
Saints Diner, York.
Owned By ASBer Pommey
The Meet Point:
The Dis-Used service Station Site
Clayton road just after Henkin Street heading East, Midland
near the MC Donalds
Oh and one more thing make sure you have a full tank of fuel too b4 getting to meet point, there wont be a mid stop.
I Think it would be good to have the Busa's there. I'm going and quite a lot of others from other forums are going too. let me know either way

In recent news of Kirsty's (BUBBAGANUSH) cancer and recent decision to focus on other parts of her life while she still has time left and as my own personal tribute for myself to my dear friend Natasha who passed away from cancer.

I've decided to do a re-run of Bubba's Recognition ride. Before she has her wedding and puts her new plans are put into action.
The ride will be just like the last straight forward bypassing my favourite road, with a few twisties out to york for lunch. Which will be about 100kms worth of riding
As this is gonna be Kirsty's final ride, It would be great to see as many turn out for her and to have a enjoyable ride out to York, with her in attendance.
However this is an open invitation to any rider who wishes to come along to recognize cancer in general and how it can effect any one of us. I've be in contact with the local community papers to also try to get the ride plugged to not internet based riders and hopefully all comes to action and even gives the forum a little bit more exposure and also make people see how cancer can effect us all ad people in our lives.
Sunday 31st January 2010
*250-Learner Friendly
10:00am Meet
10:30am Depart
Saints Diner, York.
Owned By ASBer Pommey
The Meet Point:
The Dis-Used service Station Site
Clayton road just after Henkin Street heading East, Midland
near the MC Donalds
Oh and one more thing make sure you have a full tank of fuel too b4 getting to meet point, there wont be a mid stop.