14-12-2009, 06:20pm
Operation Safe Arrival 2009
14-12-2009, 06:35pm
Saw them doing the lane markings for that on Saturday on the doom hwy, heading to Marulan.
Anyone up for a trip along the hume one night with a can of white spray paint? ![]() ![]()
14-12-2009, 08:34pm
Pigs in Space are back! I remember they did this years ago. They had thick white lines painted across the road, kinda like the dog's rope limit line in the Foghorn Leghorn 'toons. The lines were spaced 5 or 10km apart or something like that- I don't remember the specifics. Speed = Distance/Time, so knowing the distance between the lines and the speed limit, it's a simple matter of timing a vehicle between the lines. If you cover the distance too quickly, you cop a fine. Interesting that they say they're targeting fatigue though. Let's hope they do, and not just go for the easy revenue.
Also interesting that when they used fixed wing aircraft in this manner last time around, they soon shit-canned it due to the cost involved of running the aircraft vs. the revenue raised by it. Hopefully history will repeat itself and this won't last too long.
15-12-2009, 05:37pm
I see in the first post that the NSW road toll is currently 94 more than last year.
The concentration on speeding is not fixing the problem. So let's increase fines and have more speed cameras. When are the authorities going to look elsewhere, rather than fall back on the same old revenue raising initatives. On the way to Tathra I was forced off the road by an on-coming car who was overtaking a bunch of cars and just had to get around the last one before he pulled back in....even though there was room behind the last car he wanted to overtake. As he went past the last car, we were 3 abreast with me going the opposite direction trying to give him as much room as possible but guide posts and a ditch limited my space. This near accident was nothing to do with speed....just stupidity and impatience. Maybe just for once the authorities need to get off the speed kills bandwagon and spend sometime concentrating on drivers like the above 'tard. But it's more revenue effective just to set speed traps. What about the novel idea of patrolling up and down the highway, and pulling over the drivers on their phones, or txting, or making unsafe overtaking moves. BUT it just doesn't make money or statistics like a speed camera can.
Busdriver (aka Les)
16-12-2009, 03:12pm
Speed kills because there is money to be made from it.
Think about it, they catch you doing 30+ or even 45+ over, they get big money plus you lose your licence for either 3 or 6 months, then they catch you running the risk & driving on a suspended licence then bang, more big money from you again, more time off your licence & the circle continues again. Much easier than targeting the REAL problems on the road!!
01-03-2010, 08:31am
i dont know how many times ive argued this point untill ive been blue in the face but it never has any effect and im sure im not the only thats doing it. ive said it before the only way is to get a large number of people together from all walks of life not just motorcyclists(who are percieved as the evil speed demons) to protest! we need to make it very clear to the government that there bullshit road safety initiative is just that.....bullshit and that we are not willing to stand for it any longer. talk doesnt help anymore, neither does media campaigns. if we want someone to take notice then we gotta get out there and disrupt some politicians day on a regular basis. im sure if we protested at parliment house at knock off time and stopped them getting home to there expensive booz and cheap hookers while parliment is sitting then they would get the message were not happy.
Dan |
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