Admin Team is stood down
+1 DJ. You got it in one.

I would love to see Rod Heidi and Rob continue as Admins. They are sensible, fair, tolerant and respected by all.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(12-12-2009, 01:53pm)Madmax Wrote: +1 DJ. You got it in one.

I would love to see Rod Heidi and Rob continue as Admins. They are sensible, fair, tolerant and respected by all.



born to be mild
(11-12-2009, 11:27am)Volvi Wrote: It is with great reluctance that I have now stood down all admins belonging to the current admin team, due to discord amongst its members. Any admin team have to work in unison and harmony, when not it can no longer function effectively. So I am left with little choice but to stand them down. However that does not mean that any one of them cannot return in being an admin, just if they do it will have to be part of a team that are able to work together.

So my intention is to form a new team that will be able to commence its duties as board admins starting from Jan. 1 2010 Until then admin duties will be left to myself and DJ if he so wishes. I may not read all posts if however you feel a post needs the consideration of an admin, please report it with the 'report' button available or PM me.

Those wishing to nominate themselves and or nominate another with acceptance of the nominee, will be considered for the position/s. This will not be a vote nor a popularity contest. But a consideration of who may best fill the position/s.

Let me just add, that I will not tolerate flaming or personal attacks against any one individual. I will take immediate and harsh action to any who abuse this board. May I remind you we are now in the season of Good Will and Cheer to others, I trust that you will all show that in your posts for the remaining part of the year.

One further matter is to advise you that this board will be closed to all for Christmas and Boxing Day when you should be spending time with your family and not here. But theres an added reason in seeing our CPU usage stats which were having problems with, when the board is shut down for 2 days. It will close just before midnight of the 24th and reopen just after midnight the 27th. allowing 2 full days of non usage.

Finally just in Wishing you one and all a very Merry Christmas and Seasonal Greetings.


PS. This thread is open for discussions and nominations without any flaming.

Sounds like to much work ....and starting to sound like harley riders... just talking about it -- NOT DOING IT ..... going to go for a ride now ..

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
i would reckon being an admin would be like being a policeman- hard, under appreciated job that thankfully some people have the ability to carry out. probably very satisfying when you get it right but youre nobodys friend when you have to make a tough decision. i dont reckon i could do it and full credit to those who can (and do).
i try to get along with everyone and so far have not met a single person from this club that i have not wanted to meet again. the forum suits my needs and i reckon the way it has been run is OK. to be honest i dont mind whos on the admin team and have no issues with the current members but obviously there are problems so without anyone reading more into it than there is- if the current admin needs standing down is much going to be achieved by nominating the same people back in?
Ludicrous speed- go!
(12-12-2009, 06:36pm)keno77 Wrote: i would reckon being an admin would be like being a policeman- hard, under appreciated job that thankfully some people have the ability to carry out. probably very satisfying when you get it right but youre nobodys friend when you have to make a tough decision. i dont reckon i could do it and full credit to those who can (and do).
i try to get along with everyone and so far have not met a single person from this club that i have not wanted to meet again. the forum suits my needs and i reckon the way it has been run is OK. to be honest i dont mind whos on the admin team and have no issues with the current members but obviously there are problems so without anyone reading more into it than there is- if the current admin needs standing down is much going to be achieved by nominating the same people back in?

or more to the point,did the current admins need standing down in the first place.
born to be mild
(12-12-2009, 06:59pm)king 62 Wrote:
(12-12-2009, 06:36pm)keno77 Wrote: i would reckon being an admin would be like being a policeman- hard, under appreciated job that thankfully some people have the ability to carry out. probably very satisfying when you get it right but youre nobodys friend when you have to make a tough decision. i dont reckon i could do it and full credit to those who can (and do).
i try to get along with everyone and so far have not met a single person from this club that i have not wanted to meet again. the forum suits my needs and i reckon the way it has been run is OK. to be honest i dont mind whos on the admin team and have no issues with the current members but obviously there are problems so without anyone reading more into it than there is- if the current admin needs standing down is much going to be achieved by nominating the same people back in?

or more to the point,did the current admins need standing down in the first place.

just one.
(12-12-2009, 07:21pm)kawasuki Wrote: just one.

Ray you normaly ramble on with reams of words to get your point across, this time you drove the point home clearly with just 2 words,

Well done mate.Pi_tongue
(12-12-2009, 10:38pm)BLACKZOOK Wrote:
(12-12-2009, 07:21pm)kawasuki Wrote: just one.

Ray you normaly ramble on with reams of words to get your point across, this time you drove the point home clearly with just 2 words,

Well done mate.Pi_tongue

There's an echon in this room, isn't there.

echo echo echo!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(13-12-2009, 01:19am)Madmax Wrote:
(12-12-2009, 10:38pm)BLACKZOOK Wrote:
(12-12-2009, 07:21pm)kawasuki Wrote: just one.

Ray you normaly ramble on with reams of words to get your point across, this time you drove the point home clearly with just 2 words,

Well done mate.Pi_tongue

There's an echon in this room, isn't there.

echo echo echo!
Sure is Max & we can hear it all the way over in SA.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
If all admins have been stood down due to whatever reason,than a fresh start with fresh faces would be the reasonable outcome.Voting in an admin is just wrong unless 55% + of the memebers on this forum vote.
Once again...Fresh start.................Fresh faces please!!!!
The only reason that the team was stood down was because of a dissagreement between two of the team members.
Any comments posted here reflecting who is a good admin or not is irrelevant.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
(13-12-2009, 08:08am)BUSGO Wrote: The only reason that the team was stood down was because of a dissagreement .
Any comments posted here reflecting who is a good admin or not is irrelevant.

so if their was a dissagreement between two of the team members,
why not just stand down those two and then try to work it out,
instead of standing down the whole admin team.
sorry if this seems a bit harsh but i think it would happen like this in the real world
born to be mild
an admin group can only function when they work as a team. as soon as their is discord amongst its members for whatever reason, it can no longer function as a group let alone a team. My standing down the group had nothing to do with any one individual on the group but rather their inability to function as a team. Its as simple as that. In fact I have not ruled out any of the former individual admins in returning to their functions as long as it can function as a team. Its quite possible that there were to many on the team namely 4 as DJ mentioned. And to many cooks in the kitchen can spoil the broth as the saying goes. Its quite possible that the next team will have only 2 admins.

Either way those that perceive what I had to do as a personal victory of sorts I say get over yourselves. This isnt about you or any one former admin. Enough with this crap please. All the former admins whether you liked them or not served this clubs membership with alot of dedication and contributed much of theyre time for benefit of the club. And probably so will the next team. And much gratitude should be accorded to them for their past and future service. So if your going to post on this thread please make it constructive. End of story.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Either way those that perceive what I had to do as a personal victory of sorts I say get over yourselves. This isnt about you or any one former admin. Enough with this crap please. All the former admins whether you liked them or not served this clubs membership with alot of dedication and contributed much of theyre time for benefit of the club. And probably so will the next team. And much gratitude should be accorded to them for their past and future service. So if your going to post on this thread please make it constructive. End of story.

Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Perhaps I am aliitle naive, but is this an actual club, of a forum which also acts somewhat like a club?
I ask because clubs I have been involved in are structured with a President, secretary treasurer etc, and are registered as a not for profit organisation, which reguires a constitution to be in place and strictly followed.(also a nfp org can get a .org domain name which is cheaper)
Perhaps if it wasn't up to one person things may run a bit smoother, or at least people would be able to understand why things are happening.

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