Ebay help needed.

I recently won an item on ebay. the seller then requested to cancel the transaction after bidding closed and i was the highest bidder, due to selling the item elsewhere.

what happens from here?
(19-08-2009, 07:14pm)[UNIT] Wrote: Hi

I recently won an item on ebay. the seller then requested to cancel the transaction after bidding closed and i was the highest bidder, due to selling the item elsewhere.

what happens from here?

I guess you miss out .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
-ve feedback for him. :)
Have not seen the add , but if he says on his add " Can cancel add at any time as its advertised elsewhere" then you miss out . .. if its not there then you can contest it .... Heard a story of a guy selling his boat on ebay , was worth about 200 k - he started low with no reserve presuming it would go high - only got to 50 k - refused to sell , was taken to court from the guy that won and won the boat at the 50k it fell for at auctions ending

If you leave NEG feedback and he has the added disclaimer , then your actually liable for the neg feedback , and if his feedback is vital to him , he can actually take you to court ( it happens !! )

Not a clear answer for you , but shows both sides...

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Thanks. I'm not overly worried really just pissed off as it was a good buy!
It doesn't say right to end auction.. Only happy bidding, no reserve..
Quote:If you leave NEG feedback and he has the added disclaimer , then your actually liable for the neg feedback , and if his feedback is vital to him , he can actually take you to court ( it happens !! )

bullshit !

take you court for negative feedback Roll

i would leave the guy negative feedback so others know not to get there hopes up if they decide to buy of him ect , one of girls at work recently bought a cheap caravan for $9000 only to realise their was no caravan , silly girl deposited the money into there account before seeing it too, after a investigation it was found the money went into a nigerian bank account and nothing they could do, worse she borrowed the money from the credit union, even worse was that she gave them $6000 first off and after they mucked her about ,stalling ect they told her 'give us another $3000' and we'll deliver the van next week so she did and the van never arrived.
(20-08-2009, 05:07pm)99sydrd Wrote:
Quote:If you leave NEG feedback and he has the added disclaimer , then your actually liable for the neg feedback , and if his feedback is vital to him , he can actually take you to court ( it happens !! )

bullshit !

take you court for negative feedback Roll

i would leave the guy negative feedback so others know not to get there hopes up if they decide to buy of him ect , one of girls at work recently bought a cheap caravan for $9000 only to realise their was no caravan , silly girl deposited the money into there account before seeing it too, after a investigation it was found the money went into a nigerian bank account and nothing they could do, worse she borrowed the money from the credit union, even worse was that she gave them $6000 first off and after they mucked her about ,stalling ect they told her 'give us another $3000' and we'll deliver the van next week so she did and the van never arrived.

I very nearly suffered the same fate when I saw Hayabusa on a website (can't remember which site) and it seemed to good to be true. The bloke just wanted me to deposit the money with Western Union...he had some bullshit story about working for NATO in the UK and no one was available to show me the bike. He just kept harping on about depositing the money, and I told him if I can't see the bike first, you can jam it up ya arse! I reported him to the website for suspected fraud but didn't hear anything back (he had about three/four Busas for sale).
You can't trust anyone when it comes to parting with the hard-earned.
I found what I thought was a really good trackie on ebay, Bruce picked it as a scam straight away, but I didn't. I had an email from ebay the next day saying DON'T SENT ANY MONEY! Now (after a LOT of advice), don't send money until you are standing in front of the 'thing'.
(20-08-2009, 05:07pm)99sydrd Wrote:
Quote:If you leave NEG feedback and he has the added disclaimer , then your actually liable for the neg feedback , and if his feedback is vital to him , he can actually take you to court ( it happens !! )

bullshit !

take you court for negative feedback Roll

i would leave the guy negative feedback so others know not to get there hopes up if they decide to buy of him ect , one of girls at work recently bought a cheap caravan for $9000 only to realise their was no caravan , silly girl deposited the money into there account before seeing it too, after a investigation it was found the money went into a nigerian bank account and nothing they could do, worse she borrowed the money from the credit union, even worse was that she gave them $6000 first off and after they mucked her about ,stalling ect they told her 'give us another $3000' and we'll deliver the van next week so she did and the van never arrived.

NOT bullshit -- some people make ebay there living(look at some ratings - some have over 90 000 feedbacks in 2 years) , so if you slander them THEY CAN take you to court , and there HAVE been cases , and the person leaving neg feedback PAID ALL COSTS -- so its not bullshit , google it - some cases will come up.

as for BIG ticket items NEVER leave more than $1 deposit if you have not seen the item NO MATTER WHAT --- ONLY pay when you see the item , if they can not make time to show you, then alarm bells should ring ... IF you have to pay money ONLY use paypal as you can have the money stopped...

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Report them to first E-bay then if no good negative feedback the pricks
Even if the Advert says it can be withdrawn they have to withdraw it before the auction closes. Otherwise everyone who only got $2 for their item would pull that stunt.

One the auction closes, that's it... the item becomes the property of the highest bidder. You can't say AFTER the end of an auction that the item is withdrawn.

I'd send an email to eBay just asking what you should do. Don't complain, just ask what your rights are considering the auction finished normally without notice of withdrawal.
thanks guys. I have talked to ebay and all i can do is report the seller.. i have done so.
he has (0) feedback so far so it will all be negative when im finished but that doesnt matter as he obvioulsy doesnt use the account.
Im not too worried i havent lost any cash at all.

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