The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
(13-07-2009, 11:34pm)Gnarbunkle99 Wrote: a cold night a coming

never fly higher than your angel.
cold morning coming!
just had a burst on hymie..

tad cold out .overcast

ipod blaring whilst riding so i can bop along.

getting new back tyre.its on order.going pirellis this time.

watched marley and me yesterday..i cried my heart out.
off to chiroprater this arvo.

tripped over a drawer i left open at work.ego went out the door.fell like a sack of potatoes and bounced off wall.

chiro putting everything back into place.

i should have jumped up and yelled" I FOUND IT"...

in front of clients and all.just after i sold some insurance.

that will teach me.
we all cacked ourselves laughing.assit gen manager when she laughs she cant talk or breathe.makes you laugh at her laughing
i love it when people laugh funny it makes the laughing last for ages!! i hope your okay cheeky and it doesn't keep you off the bike!
no its all good,just prompted me to go see him anyway.bit slack when it come to those sorts of things..
it hasnt kept me off the bike.yay thank goodness.

yes i agree infectious laughter its the best thing.

there where 8 of us in the office plus 2 clients and laughing like twits.
a long night coming....
hmmmm what's the odds they WONT feed us!!!.....
Highly LIKELY...
how many hours do you think youll do?
It's ok, I need to shrink my
minimum 12 hrs....
dont shrink it too much..
they think on night shift, they don't have to feed you....

Yeah they do if you've been running about like headless chooks all night.
order pizza on the bosses credit card
(14-07-2009, 02:41pm)cheeky Wrote: dont shrink it too much..

No just back to my 'original' size....

That's all I need, I am not buying new clothes....
(14-07-2009, 02:42pm)cheeky Wrote: order pizza on the bosses credit card

nope, no chance of that!!!!
I should go for a nap!
I am missing on my holidays.

Was supposed to see my girlie friends, etc.... But never got there!
12 hours!!! have fun!
At least I got to see my newest little baby. Well she wasn't so little when I got to see her.

I walked into my girlfriends parents place (where GF was with her tribe)

I walked up to the little one crawling on the ground, picked her up for cuddles and never let her go. lol They all forgot I hadn't seen her. We got on like a house on fire, laughing, smiling and feeding her goodies!
(14-07-2009, 02:45pm)bigfoot Wrote: 12 hours!!! have fun!

I do TRY!!!
yea i gtg too.
bugger tight arsed boss reckon it would be in their best interest too keep you guys fed and watered.

i reckon if i ever need and ambo(touch wood) i wouldnt want my ambo to have low blood sugar or worse a growly stomach.

make them concerntrate better if not starving..

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