Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits.
OK then we have a challenge. I reckon we should see what a top gear roll on can do between a 1661cc Busa (which will probably overheat and cheese itself) and Maj's turbo bike which is streetable. At least if the turbo bike comes second, it's just a case of more boost, and if the big bore comes second.......what's next 1800cc kit??? 5mm stroker crank, thinner liners, three batteries to start it????

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Burn the Copper Silver and Gay Mardi Gras Pink!!!
Red/Grey and Blue Blacks Rule!!!<i></i>
You miss the idea of a big block kit its NOT A BIG BORE kit
the block kit is a new blockand not bored out just stroked I think. It wont overheat because it will run MILITEC. Cheers,
To what speed

(If i can make it to Jindy this year )I'll be in it if there's a game afoot .

BTW Graham wasn't the challenge directed at you

Yeah the challenge was directed at me but I wont be turboed by the time we get to Jindy. Hey Ray, maybe down the main street of Parramatta on latte night, or the M4 at 2am we can see who's da man once the turbo is in and producing 250HP.

I know what you're talking about in regards to big block kits too, they are another form of grenade, just like turbo's except I wont need a truck battery to start it

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Burn the Copper Silver and Gay Mardi Gras Pink!!!
Red/Grey and Blue Blacks Rule!!!<i>Edited by: 1hotBUSA&nbsp; at: 15/9/05 9:34 pm
Yeh Maj750t it was to, maybe its the colour of his bike that might slow him down a bit. Nah I think I will step out of the challenge as I wouldnt want anyone hurt,coming off at 300+. Cheers,
...yeh and I'll follow you in the Volvo to give you a ride home, unless the police refuse you bail.
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Customer Service & Complaints Division
Easyrider Imports

PAN...I get it!

Just bring out to the drags mate and see what she'll do. Cheers,
Musical air horns may impress the crowd, but ET won't <i></i>
Kawasuki wrote

Quote:Graham I have been offered a 1661 kitted Busa to ride on the Snowy hoot I will give you a roll on in top gear from 100 whadeya recon

Kawa, I can only assume that the 1661cc kit wouldnt be cheap as you mentioned $5500 for the 1464cc kit fitted. Who is offering the kit? and I wonder what hp figures are being claimed ?

BANG for Buck ..... TURBO well set up.

But members would be interested in cost comaprision between cc's Vs turbo ( streetable ) Vs cost <i></i>
No need to go fast ! its either going to be close or not, by 6-7k rpms it should be obvious.Beyond that your best on a track where there is some control of the enviroment. <i></i>
Ok, lets get some real details up for people. Money wise this is what I have found so far, my information is for the turbo route.

S&R Pro will put a kit into your bike that will supposedly make 250HP on the road for $9500 fitted. If you want ~400HP their kit is around $16K, but I think 400HP will be the upper limit of that kit, and I dont see why you couldnt get there from the lower priced kit more cheaply.

The way i am going, which is a second hand kit, components sourced independently, and running an aftermarket ECU with bigger injectors and a boost referenced regulator is going to see me in the vicinity of $5K with the bike putting out ~250HP on stock compression. To go up in power I would need to decompress but then it becomes less streetable, and I need this bike to be rideable on the street.

Ok, who can spill the beans on a grenade kit. (Big bore) Regards
2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
Gazza the 1661 kit (Muzzy everything) around 18.000.
The 1464 was quoted to me, i dont know what they are worth around the traps, if you know let us know. Cheers,
WTF $18K for how many ponies. I hear 230hp mentioned but could be wrong. That makes the turbo look really attractive. It's costing me approx $56 per pony. For the big bore to compete it would have to be putting out 486hp. Cant see that happening from a big bore any time soon me thinks.

May go the stroker crank in the future though, has a lot more simplicity in it.

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
And $1000 for a 240hp nitrous bike. <i></i>

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