Congrats Bigfoot on your new Busa
Don,t sweat it dude,people quickly forgive those who own up to their mistakes.Just realise it,ll be kept as an ace card when people want to take the piss out of ya.Lol3Often doing what you say in life is the hardest thing,thats why i talk less these days.
Well done Bigfoot, you showed something that a lot of guys your age wouldnt. Its never nice to eat a bit of humble pie but it shows character to front for a dose anyway.

It is one of my strongest beliefs that I try to teach my kids. The truth shall set you free!

Also well done to the forum members who had the forgiveness in them to stand up and defend the little pecker head. With all the goings on in the forum lately it shows that the rudder on this ship may be a little straighter than some think.

To err is human, to forgive is divine ~ Alexander Pope
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Bigfoot your a dickhead. Pi_tongue

You have gone up im my estimation for fessing up godd on ya big fella. When you eventually get your bike call me if ya need a hand.
thanks for your support guys!
(16-06-2009, 08:02pm)bigfoot Wrote: thanks for your support guys!
We were all young once and made ourselves loook farking rediculous on many occasions.
dont listen to Bruce , he will lead u astray.Coolrasta
Glad you owned up to it.
Cuz in the end,you look like an idiot when you say you have something that you dont.
Reminds me of this guy who would brag what he had an when you went to his
the car he just bought was conveniently stolen lol.
Just be patient, an youl get your busa dont sweat it.

I wanna know how someone could spot that as a u.s bike haha.
And, as a wiser bloke than I once said to me: a man who has never made a mistake never made anything.
It has taken a lot of balls for you to come back and admit your wrong doing, good on ya. A lot of people would never have come back. You have shown great character mate.
Take this onboard and grow from it, the decision you made (to admit your fault and face the music) is the right choice, hard but right.
cheers all
(17-06-2009, 06:55am)kev11e Wrote: And, as a wiser bloke than I once said to me: a man who has never made a mistake never made anything.

fark i should have millions .........
Reminds me of a party I was once at in Albury.
A guy was talking about the turbo Honda CBX he owned. He had the photos and everything. He was enjoying the notoriety & everyone let him go for a while before a mate turned to me and rather loudly said "Funny, it looks exactly like yours"
That was years ago, the guy is still a dickhead!
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

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