oh crap!
Well after several hundred $$$ and a good going over ive got an alarm installed throughout the house/garage and several bike locks secured to a solid anchor. Knuppel2
I'm going to look at a bull terrier pup over the weekend, ive always wanted a great dane but im thinking home defense now and a good pig dog to go shooting with (not at) I still cant believe they took that dam coffee maker over the computa?? Lol2

maybe they were coffee addicts......instead on ice and ecckkies.or didnt like your puter or illiterate

yep it feels a violation when your broken into or stuff gets stolen with your personal details.

lol to busa=rod..Roll..yes you never know where they might do to your toothbrush..or your cat!!!Scary

remeber people there are a few members here that are police officers and they may find it offensive that their proffesion gets targeted at times,
both pyscological and general are represented

look i had a car stolen from st vincents at 3pm one day.was visiting mum while she was dying.kids were babies ect,the car had clothes ect in it.
that made me livid..but the daughter was crying because she wanted our brown car back not a new one.
cute huh.
its the way it makes you feel,its not about the posession but the greed and violation of your personal space.and how hard you worked to achieve what you have.and somebody can take it away in a flash and not realise nor care how it effects you.
sorry to hear rave,all i can say is god dam mother f***kersKnuppel2Knuppel2Knuppel2Knuppel2Knuppel2
born to be mild
yeah sorry to hear it mate- ive got a few knock off stories but the worst one was when my trail bike was stolen from a mates shed along with two of his bikes. mine was in the middle of a top end rebuid and they took every last nut and bolt.
through a strange series of events and six degrees of separation we found out who did it so a few of us went around with some instruments of encouragement to have a little "chat" with him. nobody home (we thought) but we could see the bikes through the garage window. decided to do the right thing and went straight to the police. the cop knew the guy as a theif but couldnt do anything.
he told us we could all go there but couldnt enter without the homeowners permission and by the time we got that the bikes would be moved on anyway. if we went and got them ourselves we would be charged with break and enter/ trespass. if we belted him it would be assault and battery. what can you do apart from hope to meet in a dark alley? we did go back but the piece of shit must have been home because the bikes were gone and the house was all closed up. lucky mine was insured at least.
and cheekys right- the cops often have their hands tied with bullshit red tape so you can't always put the blame there. doesn't make you feel any better though
Ludicrous speed- go!
Sorry to hear about it mate, I hope you were insured, as that at least eases a bit of the pain!

I've been done 3 times - the second time they had the whole house to themselves for 3 days. They backed up a large truck truck and must have made 3 or 4 loads as they pretty much got the lot! My neighbor (who was 85 in the shade, bless her) thought we were moving out!

$95 grand later ($50 of it music gear) and the insurance company loved me, I can tell ya! And I only lost 10% of my no claim bonus!!!

I did get some it it back due to some mates in the local Rebel Chapter and was satisfied knowing that some street justice was served, but that's another story!
Bugger! Rave thats ugly, might pay to check out your local Cash Crook Converters for your coffee machine.
never fly higher than your angel.
Sorry to hear that mate, probably some junkie scum needing funding for thier next fix..... if so i hope they overdose and cark it with a very painful experience! Knuppel2

Stay Upright Coolsmiley
[Image: hayabusa-5.jpg] [Image: HayabusaLogo-Grey.gif]
Yep. Know exactly how you feel. They broke into my place a few weeks back. Stole my kids' KX80 and a shitload of tools etc. Both the bike and the tools are very individual. If I ever see 'em someones gonna be sorry.
I agree with what Rod said earlier in the post too. If people didn't think it was amusing to buy stuff "off the back of a truck" it'd take away alot of the market for these arseholes!
Sorry to hear, Rave. Hope all your muckin' around (alarms etc.) stops 'em coming back.
It's a week by week charade.

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