Now this will spin you out
we have 2 cars
i hyundai Elantra
the other hyundai Tuscon 4wd
Both purchased same time.
4 yo cars

My wifes remote starts playing up a few days ago. It wont work unless you are REAL close to car and is still erratic. Changed battery no go swapped over with backup one which has never been used..same thing.

So tonight I noticed that MY car is doing the EXACT same thing.
Swapped with the spare remote same thing.

BUT I drove my car up the road away from the house and the remote works as usual for my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Havent tried on my wifes yet but I bet its the same.

And to top it off the remotes on BOTH cars set off the front door bell!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has NEVER happened before the doorbell is not new. Took batteries out of doorbell reciever still car problem!

The only change I can think of is that we have a 3rd new car in the driveway for my daughter who just got her license (It does have remote too, just tried hers it works fine but also sets off front door bell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

This is NOT a joke Im fair dincum!

Any ideas?
I will move the third car tomorrow and see what that does.
I only disconnected the receiver on the doorbell not the sender.
I did a Google search and found this
Then I thought I wonder if maybe the doorbell button is stuck and causing the issue.
Sure enough it was jammed on.

Pulled it out and all cars work normally again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great story
Tip from Top Gear. If your car remote won't work. eg out of range or flat bat
hold the remote to the side of your temple,look at the car & press remote.It
is supposed to work but I haven't tried. Never know.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(21-05-2009, 12:04am)Greeny_SA Wrote: Tip from Top Gear. If your car remote won't work. eg out of range or flat bat
hold the remote to the side of your temple,look at the car & press remote.It
is supposed to work but I haven't tried. Never know.

your just waiting for someone to try that one...Lol2 surley it can't work and i'm not trying it well i'm not going to tell anyone if i do anyway lol.
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa
This sounds similar to what is happening out at work. We have what we call the CAS (collision avoidance system) setup on all our vehicles on site. This system works on radio waves to determine the distance a vehicle is away from you and warn you with an audible alarm. Since the system was bought in at work there have been a number of complaints of vehicles not locking or vehicles unlocking themselves. A pain in the arse really and the company is not overly interested in helping out. They made an attempt and changed the frequency but it only helped a few.
I have also heard that your remote will work through the mobile phone. So if you have a flat battery you can call home and get someone to use the spare to unlock it for you. Never tried though.
(21-05-2009, 01:07am)VNSVLE Wrote: I have also heard that your remote will work through the mobile phone. So if you have a flat battery you can call home and get someone to use the spare to unlock it for you. Never tried though.
I remember that one floating around a while back and I tried it .
In the end it was reported on the web as a scam
Check for bugging device DJ, u doing anything shifty???Coolrasta
haha Ray.
ALWAYS doing something shifty.
I found the problem though...
"Then I thought I wonder if maybe the doorbell button is stuck and causing the issue.
Sure enough it was jammed on."

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