show off your pets
ranga in front and biscuts at back(another maine coon)
this is my 2yrs old 8kg blue russian aka smokey he loves sleeping the day away on my busa.he is like his owner eats anything in his wake lol

some 1 kicked him last yr an broke his back left hip sorry to say i never found who did it

hes a good cat great temperment thats how he looks all the time like a happy little camper
Dog - Angel is our 4yo Shar-Pei. Very loyal but also very alouf. You will feel welcome shortly after arriving at my house but dont playfight with the kids and dont try and pat her through the gate if no one is home. the kids and us can do anything with her and she is very docile. Just the best family dog in my eyes. They can be prone to a hereditry illness which causes kidney failure though. We lost our other Shar Pei about a year ago.

Cat - Levi is about 6 years old and was a vet rescue and has the ultimate life, sleeps all day demands only chicken (preferably roasted) and sometimes lets us pat himIcon_rolleyes. He spent a week locked in a church but dont think he found religion. Pretty sure he found the holy water though. Lol3 and he has had quite a few other scrapes.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
My 5 Year Old Golden Retriever, 'Chloe'.Smitten

Her blonde eyelashes make male dogs go weak at the knees.Lol3

Will do anything for food and loves her pool when there is water in it (unless it's bath time).

If it's too loud....You're too old!
If it's too fast....You're too old!
If it's too sexy....You're ???
all these are awesome people...

thanks busgo about the comment about the joey...

busa -rod she is way too cute too shoot!!! awe lil joey

missy your dawwgys cute and a poser.
trix your guard dog does a great job at holding lounge down,the boxer is a poser too!!! so is that pusssy of yours!

i,m loving the old dog piccies as well just 2 weeks ago lost 'andy' he was 18 a black barbed kelpie.
i do not have a pict of him on this puter but will put one up soon.

my gawd i showed the sharpei too hubs he said wheres its face!!!!
how cute is that! do you have too clean between the folds of skin??

busgos picts of his dogs are decieving.they are really quiet big dogs.size of cattle dogs and solid like brick dunnies.but soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to see you because "you got food dontcha huh huh"

lol too trix and missy i,m glad your good spellers!!! because your pets will be correcting you in next spelling bee.

at mo im relaxing.all visitors gone even the joey and my cats have forgiven me.esp wolfie my latest baby.another maine coon but a boy.they grow natuarlly 10kgs. at min.
he is laying beside me on lounge and purring ,smiling.just in cat heaven.

i also have the arsehole 'cocky' the galah. whom i have been trying too kill for 20 years..
he swears like a trooper and asks all sorts of questions.
he was born in 83.someone told me he will live till 90..frig!!!!!! nasty lil bugger
lol yep those birds will live a loooonnng life cheeky!!!

Freckles even goes to the fridge where the B O N E S are kept if you ask her if she wants one. Not too bad for 14yo pooch.

Everyones puppies are so cute, so much personality there... and so much love for their owner!
frig it cocky is a nasty bird..i have fed and watered him for years,talked to him ect..yet he was a nice bird the first ten years,,now he is nasty!....he loved hub but latley when hub hoped into cage cocky grabbed hold of his wrists,hub said too cocky you have two choices. one let go the other i wil rip your neck off.

after a while cocky let go.. he did turn blue for a bit...

but talking with alot of mates .cockies do that..they turn nasty
missy i,m glad you can spell!

so does freckles
just the tip of the family iceberg -

Epi the Jungle Python with mate that used to own her
[Image: P1020509.jpg]
Weazel the Cat
[Image: IMG_0076.jpg]
Diesel the American Staffy
[Image: IMG_0131.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0081.jpg]
and Piper the Bull arab/Bull mastiff
[Image: P1020523.jpg]

Also have 14 birds, a childrens python named snakey, 9 rats and a pup from Diesel and Piper called Zoe. Will try and get some more photo's tomorrow.
i've always wanted a pet python!! and those dogs are awesome, i had one named ruffy out on the farm! best pig dog ever! anyway he got killed by a brown snake, but i have now my 2 Jack Russels named Ned and Molly. molly is 5 and ned is 8 they both grew up on the farm so since moving to the city all they do is dig holes and chew things up!
bigfoot Wrote:i had one named ruffy out on the farm!

Hey we dont need to no what you and ruffy get up tooLol2
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
This is my little fat dog Tia.... she is 14 yrs old and everyone still thinks she's a puppy[attachment=5769]

And this is my boy who passed away this time last year... the coolest little dog with the biggest attitude ever....
Hmmm Dam. Cool dog with big attitude hey?
Sounds like his owner to me.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
VNSVLE, I'd love to own a snake.
Unfortunately Mrs B is not a fan.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
The only good snake is a dead one.... way too many bad experiences with them. Snakes, crocs, sharks..they're all bastards, come get ya when ya not looking.

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