Northern NSW River Rampage 27 - 29 March
Here are a few of my snaps.
Braddo, Mez, Ford, Linda and Peter
Berco seated and others behind...
John, Rob, Micky and Bruce.
The photographers behind the cameras.
Jen and Andrew
Linda and Ford.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Well I took heaps of snaps as well. Most are of scenery but the few people shots I did get are as follows

The Splinter Group of Qlders meeting before heading off. The glare coming of the top of them domes is something awful.
[Image: IMG_0256.jpg]

The Main Pack at Kyogle
[Image: IMG_0257.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0258.jpg]

The Splinter Group at Kyogle. We waited for Mr & Mrs GCBusa to arrive then we were off
[Image: IMG_0259.jpg]

Heading off out of Kyogle
[Image: IMG_0267.jpg]

Don't know where this was but it was pretty
[Image: IMG_0271.jpg]
After an excellent meal at the pub and a good nights sleep (well except for Shredder, but Brett did warn him he snores) we met at the Shell on the Gwyder

[Image: IMG_0275.jpg]

B b b Busa
[Image: IMG_0277.jpg]

Brett having a quick kip at the roadworks
[Image: IMG_0278.jpg]

The lads at the top of the lookout
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Meeting of the two states
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Excellent scenery on the way to our Lunchstop
[Image: IMG_0292.jpg]

Downtown at the lunchstop. Wow its all go here. The pub was magic tho.
[Image: IMG_0293.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0294.jpg]
I didn't get any shots of the trip from Ebor to the coaching station. My tummy wasn't letting me have any fun and I even had to get Tone to slow down a couple of times or he would of had my lunch all over his back. OK Tone and I stopped in at the coaching station to have a quick beer and then it was back to the motel, quick change of clothes and then off to the pub with Mechanix, and crew. They ended up going to some little seaside place. I reckon we still had the better time tho.

Mechanix and Yvette. Poor Mechanix copped a lot of flack about how young Yvette looks. I think it started with "so do you wait up the road from the school for her?" at Kyogle and got progressively worse during the weekend. Just as well Yvette took it all in her stride, Mechanix didn't have any choice but to cop it.
[Image: IMG_0295.jpg]

Thanks again Ray for organising and see you next year.
Your welcome Trix and thanks for all the great photos.

Braddo and Mez are still out there in the storm somewhere I think but he rang to say that they have already booked for next year....
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Had to come over here to see the other photos Trix! You guys did have a great's just starting to get nice her if it wasn't for the 90kph winds and rain today with the dust from the farm fields...other than that good riding.
Hi all
Here are a few of my photos

The Museum at the Nymboida Coaching Station
The OCC Rabbitohs Bike

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
A few people shots

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
Some photos from Mike and Clara.
Clicky for full size.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
looks like a mega good ride, ya got'a love the far north of n.s.w, please hit me up if this ride gets done again, as im in ballina, great pics!!!
Carny, You have found the pics from last year.
We do this run every year. On or about the last weekend of March.
You should find snaps from the 2010 run somewhere on the forum.
I don't know why none of my photos are showing up here. They should still be all in the vault there somewhere.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
(09-05-2010, 09:11pm)BUSGO Wrote: Carny, You have found the pics from last year.
We do this run every year. On or about the last weekend of March.
You should find snaps from the 2010 run somewhere on the forum.
I don't know why none of my photos are showing up here. They should still be all in the vault there somewhere.

^^^^ cheers busgo, guess i'll have to wait till next year, im new to the club, and just see'n what the go is. cheers again for the heads up.

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