gday all. just moved up in the world- gave up the dirt bikes and an old fzr1000 to get a new 08 busa. love it so far. looking forward to meeting new people and getting together for a ride now and then. live on the south coast of nsw and have the best wife (she convinced me to buy the busa instead of a honda) but need to sort out a gearsack- shes scared of getting chucked off the back! any recommendations about that would be good. will get a pic up soon. see ya's. keno
WelcomeTo the club
Hello Everyone
Just bought my first Hayabusa although it will be for drag racing only.
Spoke with a few people who mentioned all the great information on the forum about the bike.
Anyway hope to get involved with the forum and catch up with a few of WA guys soon.
born to be mild
hey mate welcome Fatman kenma are the distributer of ventura racks 02 9484 0777 and they will tell you where your nearest stockest are welcome an hope u have many great rides on your beast
hey firstkart welcome mate. hope u habe fun on your beast mate great looking bike
Welcome and Welcome

Enjoy Pi_thumbsup
Yeah a big double Welcome to the club.
Hope you both enjoy the power and smoothness of a busa for whatever you decide to use it for.

Check out the Bathurst Busa Bash thread for the next big get together in the Riding Not Talking forum.
Hope to see you both and partners there.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Welcome Keno, now we know you have a sensible wife.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Welcome to the Club


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

Welcome Guys.....i reccomend getting out to a ride with some members asap..thats what i did when i first joined up and it was great to put faces to meaningless names! enjoy the club
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa
keno77 Wrote:gday all. just moved up in the world- gave up the dirt bikes and an old fzr1000 to get a new 08 busa. love it so far. looking forward to meeting new people and getting together for a ride now and then. live on the south coast of nsw and have the best wife (she convinced me to buy the busa instead of a honda) but need to sort out a gearsack- shes scared of getting chucked off the back! any recommendations about that would be good. will get a pic up soon. see ya's. keno

Welcome keno
Welcome Your missus led you in the right direction mate, hold onto her! Pi_thumbsup lol

You'll be looking at $450 for a ventura rack & bag, just went & priced one myself. Nearly fell over too, lol.

Enjoy the club, plenty of rides etc.

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