Canberrans Sips Again
When are you going to have all your bits on Dan? Can't wait to see it.

damn no spamming rule. I'll have to entertain myself for 60 seconds adding stupid moving things. I HATE stupid moving things.

Hang on, some of them are kinda cute

f***! Same problem as last time. Oh well....


heidi ive got everything now!!!! just need help putting it in you interested <i></i>
Dan needs help put'n things into Heidi...phewee walked in a little late on this conversation <i></i>
no i didnt mean that heidi has a bf m talkinga bout ym bike <i></i>
(This message was left blank) <i>Edited by: monyx at: 28/6/06 10:48 pm
I think we need a spannering day as ive got dog bones and an undetail to fit! anyone else got stuff to go on the their bikes?????? come on spanering days are all the canberra poeple are missing out on!!!!! lets do it this weekend as its supposed to be raining!!!!!!!! <i></i>
I have a micro amount of bling to install - clear tail-light and polished Kanji reservoir caps...maybe GI Pro & A/TRE if it arrives in time - now that is more like it!

I have double garage, tools, 1 rear stand if ya need a venue on the best side of town smack in the middle of Tuggers (Oxley) of course!!

Decent sized fridge too

Mark. <i></i>
monyx im in Gowrie!!!!! ill bring my paddock stand over aswell to make two!! what say you Max, Heidi, Les???? <i></i>
There's a bike run on this Saturday being put together by the Action boys. From somewhere on the South side to the shop at Mitchell, then a sausage sizzle etc. As long as no rain I'll be doing that.
I'll be starting to take the bling off the black and blue, returning her to stock condition. The Black and Grey will be here next week. I'll have to do it in my shed as all the stock parts are at home. I have a double garage, with carpet and endless tools if you would like to come over - Gungahlin. I can't get this job done anywhere else, sorry. All welcome, we even have a third shed if required.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
I have family committments this weekend, and am busy Saturday next. I can drop around for a quick look (hope that nong MechanX isn't lurking). Don't worry Dan, I get it.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
yeah just being cheeky...just playing on the lack of a comma

What's the go with ride is it advertised or something, if it's dry, likewise I'm there before a spot spectating at the hill climbs @ Qybn. (get motivated to fix my turbo project tintop and practice my m.sports photography)

Edit: I rang Action: Ride departs Pine Island car park, Tuggeranong 10:30 AM proceed to Action Mitchell, gold coin donation charity event for Sophie Delezio - BBQ put-on by Action, raffle prizes etc. Good event for a good cause - hope the wet stuff stays away.

Mark <i>Edited by: monyx at: 29/6/06 2:04 pm
Sorry dude, I misread it and thought it was that wanker MechanX. From you it is just being silly.

Thanks for the link.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
its good to be liked <i></i>
no harm in stir'n , <i></i>

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