The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
in Cowes
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
in the sky
so we
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
simmo Wrote:in the sky

Patience Simmo!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Drink and
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
not smoke
eat and fall over
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
and crawl
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
home without
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Mutha Wrote:
Missy_Moo Wrote:dunno just raining all the time here.

web feet stuff!

Wtf is it still raining up there Storm

we need water here, we are on stage 4 water restrictions. Undecided
All the grass is Brown Pi_freak

yeppers still, and watching a low reform, maybe another cyclone. But MORE rain still coming...
going near
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
the Bikes
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Anyone else
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
staying in town?
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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