Michelin PP2CT
ClapGot to thank you guys for putting me onto the Mich PP2CT's.
Only had them fitted yesterday and have found them to be fantastic so far. I'll let you know how they go after I give them a half decent run.
Once again, thank you oh wise ones.....
Good choice nutz you will have them for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I put a new set on yesterday too - went for the 55 profile, turns in beautifully prolly keep going with this profile now - always been happy with the 2CT

Put a new sproket and chain, oil/filter change as well .... arh like a new bike mmmm
Egos; everyone got one
I'm glad you like them as much as I do.
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Same they are an awsome tyre with good alround grip...loving them so much more than the bridgies but same i will go 55 next rear!
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa
busakid08 Wrote:went for the 55 profile, turns in beautifully

Hey Busakid,

I spoke to a stealership about wanting to try the 55 profile and they said that they would require me to bring a wheel in as the 55 profile could attract a duty-of-care issue for them if they were to fit it directly to a Hayabusa.

Suits me fine, but just wondered if you'd heard the same thing?

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TimF Wrote:
busakid08 Wrote:went for the 55 profile, turns in beautifully

Hey Busakid,

I spoke to a stealership about wanting to try the 55 profile and they said that they would require me to bring a wheel in as the 55 profile could attract a duty-of-care issue for them if they were to fit it directly to a Hayabusa.

Suits me fine, but just wondered if you'd heard the same thing?


I am about to purchase new tread

i am guessing the pp2ct's are a softer/stickier compound...then the hpx

i have piolt roads 50's and find them great in the dry but a little( no sorry, a lot) slippery in the wet.(granted they are at 20% life left)

I am guessing the 55 is a higher profile which helps the bike drop in more.. is it a noticable different and why the duty of care.. how does this effect the bike at hwy and upwards speeds

to all the pp2ct users do you find them better in the wet then the hpx

also correct me if i am wrong pp2ct's are pilot roads

the mich website states that the hpx is the choice for wet weather conditions

i also read on this forum that many users are happy the ppcts in the wet,
perhaps it is my suspension set up thatmakes me the odd one out as far as wet road satisfaction

(only had the bike a month and the rear suspension was wound completly down, sat almost 2 inches lower then standard. have started to wind it back, i guess its trial and error)

thanks in advance to all who reply
Sounds like a crock of shit, your choice of tire/profile is your choice in fact Tim from Balmain thought it was a good idea to try it and I am glad I did - I wont be going back to 50's. It wont be for everyone though - I am a twisties whore and not much into straight lining so the tire suits me and my style, like I have ranted before your tire choice is yours and you have to do some research yourself because tire opinions are like an arsehole - every has one. I get shitted off a lot when I see these quiestions sometime .. sorry I digrese I amk sure most of you know my opinions about opinions by now Very Happy
Its not a HUGE difference but enough to notice and I personally think it smooths the drive out a bit - again my bike is setup differently - lowerd at the front 20mm and suspension setup more like my race bike so it suits me.

Who was teh stealership?
Egos; everyone got one
Thanks busakid, twas Springwood Suzuki.

The bloke I spoke to suggested that I would probably like the 55 profile a lot, but that he had reservations regarding legality.
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surfabusa Wrote:also correct me if i am wrong pp2ct's are pilot roads

PP2CT = Pilot Power 2CT
PR2 = Pilot Road 2

Don't bother with the 2CT part (since they cost more than regular) unless you're using the whole tyre in a public-road situation. The 2CT advantage is only there on the last 15~20mm of the tyre.

For me, they are noticeably the best tyre I've ever ridden on.
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TimF Wrote:
busakid08 Wrote:went for the 55 profile, turns in beautifully

Hey Busakid,

I spoke to a stealership about wanting to try the 55 profile and they said that they would require me to bring a wheel in as the 55 profile could attract a duty-of-care issue for them if they were to fit it directly to a Hayabusa.

Suits me fine, but just wondered if you'd heard the same thing?


News to me, but I don't use a dealer.

I'm on my second 55 profile rear and won't be going back to 50. I'm also on PP2CTs now and find them pretty sticky and all indications are they are wearing well.

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