Canberrans Sips Again
Shit Max why didn't you tell me it's raining in Melbourne!! Only kidding, can you ride a Busa while holding an umbrella? <i></i>
We, Heidie, Saracen (faster than you average Honda) my girl and I had a goos time at the Kingo, looked for Stuart after himsaying we had to NOT go to Filthies and the rotten bugger didn't front. must have been over at Travis's place

Thanks for the shot Rod, mind you we did see Travis ride - once many moons ago! nothing since

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
sorry guys, didnt get to check the forums wed night and since we heard nothing beforehand we didnt make plans and ended up forgetting anyway, lol

Nutsac has been on a coupla rides. Went on a good 500+ k ride with another 3 busa's and Anneliese's VTR250 (hell bike)the other day...all 4 busas did manage to keep up with the hell bike, just barely. Was fun and the sac man would have maybe kept up if he had more than 14 psi in his tyres (thats his excuse anyway) <i></i>
Hey guys

Bill (the lurker) and I are going out to Bungendore for coffee Sunday morning. Does anyone want to join us? We are leaving north side of town before 9am, so meet us out there and we'll ride back together if you'd like (too hard to coordinate meeting point at that time of morning).

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
Hey Heidie,
No rain means we'll go Sunday morning.

Max and Mezza Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
sorry guys, cant make this one. will try to show wednesday night though if you are meeting up then. <i></i>
Hey max

Meet at my house at 8.40am if the weather is fine, we're heading out from there. Anyone else who wants to come, we'll meet you in Bungendore, Cafe Bardy's, first cross street near the Woodworks.

I'll have mini-me on the back, and we'll be trailing The Lurker.

HEIDi xxx <i></i>
Sorry mate, my dad's birthday and we did the family thing. I'll bring a note if that will assist

Working days this weekend, off next weekend. Sunday??

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
But of course. Text me.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
my son wants to go for a ride this weekend. So im gonna hit the cotter / uriarra early saturday (if its not raining, if it is will do it sunday) on the way to ngunnawal, pick up the boy and then head down Max Reef to bungendore.
If ya'll wanna come gimme a yelp. <i></i>
hi, my name is Saracen and I live in Canberra. I ride a Hayabusa. I was wondering if there are any Australian Hayabusa Club members currently living in Canberra (other than myself). Look forward to any responses. Please do not respond if it looks like rain Wakey Wakey were the feck is everybody!!!!! <i></i>
I'm riding, what are you doing? <i></i>
obviously to busy looking on the board to see what everyone else is doing. Guess I should be riding <i></i>
Bin working bloke, we are considering a Wednesday night sip next Wednesday night, of course, at Filthy's. If the regulars turn up that will be two of us! All other Canberra Hire Bus riders are welcome to attend, we try to get there around 1830hrs. Meal is good and not too expensive.

Max -
would rather have Bin ridin' Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
we on tonight? <i></i>

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