Partial Member
Hey well ive been on the site about a week now, thought I better introduce myself.

Had my busa on order since early September.... and ahhh its been the most rediculously long wait. Living in Darwin is pretty much a ballsup if you want anything the shop doesnt have right when you want it...

First my busa, then the girls helm, now my new helm heh...

Thankfully my busa is due to arrive within the week. if these bloody floods havnt slowed down the delivery.

For the knowledge. Black 09 is what ive got coming, Any upgrades at this point are on the low low til I can square up some more penniees

see you all around on the forum
Peregrine Falcon - Capable of slicing winds at over 300km/h
Hayabusa - Capable of carrying my arse to over 300km/h
Welcome Slade, congrats on the bike
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Welcome mate enjoy your 09 busa you lucky bugger and enjoy this website, great info and great laughs!
Welcome Slade,

You will have enough time to enjoy your new ride, just be patient. All good things come in time..........

Ride Safe,
Stephen V
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
born to be mild
Welcome Slade

I used to live just down the road from Dave Hill who was the guitarist for Slade in the 70's/80's

Not a lot of peope know that Roll
Welcome Slade Grouphug
never fly higher than your angel.
Welcome SLADE.

Enjoy the site and the mates you will make.

I used to listen to SLADE ALIVE with a passion. One of my favourite albums of the early 70s.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
My very first album I ever owned. My brother got it for me one christmas. I can remember feeling a bit cheeted cos there was only like 3 or 4 tracks on it as I remember. Born to be wild was one of them,

Shit how many longs ago is that, now I feel old Violin
Onya mate. Once you go black you never go back
thanks guys , and yes, heard it many times about slade. old teachers and the likes at school :|
although wasnt it laate 60's early 70's Very Happy , didnt think they made it to the 80's heh.

Still no word on my busa :( anxious knowing it should be here so soon but yet have no idea when
Peregrine Falcon - Capable of slicing winds at over 300km/h
Hayabusa - Capable of carrying my arse to over 300km/h
dude i still have to wait 5 months!!
omfg why?

Mines just darwin, im sure thats the main of my problem, be good when I get moved to Adelaide.

I might actually get a chance to have a decent ride, this place is flat and straight :(
Peregrine Falcon - Capable of slicing winds at over 300km/h
Hayabusa - Capable of carrying my arse to over 300km/h
no mate i only have to wait that long because i am only 17 and can't get my loan till i am 18!, oh yeah im only going to drag race the bike and hold my L's until i can go for opens, so im just skipping the whole 250 part!
Welcome mate. Wow big move from Bendigo!! Was hoping to go on more rides but bit far away now lol.

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