The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Have a water gargling contest
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Put a glassful of water in your mouth and see how long you can keep gargling for. Award yourself extra points for loud and amusing gargling noises, and minus points if you laugh.
Stare at the back of someone's head until they turn around
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
This works on the "I have the feeling I'm being watched" principle. Conduct an experiment-does this really work?
Have a "Who is less competitive" competition
wonder (Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Trying to win at this will make you lose. Trying to lose makes you win which makes you lose. Not trying at all makes you lose which makes you win which makes you lose.
Pick up a dog so it can see things from your point of view
(Amusement Potential: 3-5 minutes)
Think about it: your dog has only seen the house from a viewpoint from 6" to 2' high (15 to 60 cm for all you metric fans). It's never seen the tops of counters, what you keep on your desk, the tops of shelves, etc. Try looking at things from its point of view, too.
Pull out a hair, stick in someone's ear
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
Best done to sleeping people. Added challenge in having no one else around, because then you can't blame it on anyone else. Try to beat your record number of times before the person catches on.
Pour water in hand, make sneeze noise, throw water on back of person's neck
(Amusement Potential: 5-15 minutes)
Always a good gag. For an even bigger reaction out of the person, act like you're not sorry at all for what they think you did. Comment instead on how big that sneeze was or about how there was a lot of mucus in that one.
12 Things to Do with Coca Cola
Cleaned a burned saucepan by pouring Coke into it and boiling. This takes out all the staining.
It's easy to make a modern photograph look like an old sepia one. Just lightly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly. Don't wet it too much or it will buckle. Photocopied black and white pictures make great looking "antique" prints, if you treat them in the same way. Maps photocopied and treated this way, look fantastic in antique style frames.
If you dye your hair and the result is too intense, flat Coca Cola will help to lighten it.
Give old coins a soak in Coke. This gives a brilliant shine for collections and decorative items.
Pour Coca Cola into your kettle and leave all day. This will remove limescale and leaves it clean inside.
A can of Coke poured into the toilet will clean it. The acid in the drink gets to work right away.
Make an excellent barbecue sauce by mixing Coke and Ketchup , half and half. Coat chicken, meat, etc with this before cooking. It's mouthwatering.
Flat Coke makes a good hair conditioner. Pour it over your hair, rinse and dry.

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