Sydney - Barrista, Beer, Babes 'n Bull Meetings
When is the next one <i></i>
I think Bruce and Simmo are doing coffee this week unless it's overcast and it looks like the cars are staying away from the strip... in which case they're off to WSID...

Is that right guys?
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Month
Easyrider Imports

Me Too.

If it's a glorious evening, then coffee. If it's threatening to rain then it's off to WSID. However if it actually rains then back to the coffee haunt.

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
Coffee tonight 9th Drags next week hows that sound
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
So, who went?
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Month
Easyrider Imports

1hot.Simmo and kawa, and than there was the groupies Phew one would need more than a steel sub fframmee to hold the big bitch. Cheers,
WSID for me!!!!
Oh simmo your in trouble. <i></i>
How deep and with who
Do you have to get a licence yet
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
Dont worry simmo there was some bloke out there wed night at the drags pulling some high elevans,dont think it was one of us????? Cheers,
Great night had by the few people that turned up there. That groupie would have stressed a titanium subframe, and had a face that looked as though it had chased a few too many parked cars.

There were some nice groupies though, and the hotter it gets the shorter the skirts get. Excellent

Shame the noisy harley guys turned up, shame the car trying to get into the space didnt knock em over, and where the bloody hell is the EPA when you need them Shitbox air compressors. Amazing how much vibration goes into getting 50hp out of 1500cc. My whipper snipper has better power/displacement figures than that, and I think the Magna is on a par!!!

Drags next week. See you there! Regards
2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
There was only 50 or so of them Myself and Graham scared them off so Kawa could get a parking spot,
Kawa next time let us know earlier your hiding around the corner and we will get rid of them sooner for you.

Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
Cmon Simmo, speakem good england Graham and I scared them off. Nitpicker arent we now.

I was wondering what 50 groupies were doing standing outside my place. They heard it was the home of the red/grey and the legend who rode it and wanted a piece of the action. Had to sort them in order of attraction, from Babe, through Honey and Gorgeous, through to bearable and finishing up with Bush Pig. Anything Honey and above spent the night, the rest were sent to Simmo's. Luckily the subframe breaker was on her way back to the Great Western Highway......wonder why?

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
Yeh, I saw a group of BCW's (bikini clad women) leaving the beaches in cabs and saying they were headed out to Parra on Wednesday night because they heard there was a red/grey and a copper/silver Hayabusa there...

Isn't it too early in the week for you two to be drinking so much?
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Year
Easyrider Imports

Pan it depends what way you look at it from, Sunday backwards no, Monday forwards yes, so have to have a Sunday backwards week every week
Graham remind me to give you back your white cane
The BCW's were all over my bike and myself as I remember it but then again the beer was cheaper than the coke we were sniff'n
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
Yeah that was a bit of a shock, beer cheaper than coke at City Xtra. Lucky I only had one coke. Beer on the other hand......

Have you worn out the leather whip...because I'll give you a thrashing with that white cane whenever you want!!! Remember people crowd around vintage cars too Simmo, and since your bike was made last milennium that's pretty old.

And it was hump day, not Sunday or Monday Pan Grill. The week is thus,

Tuesday Eve, (people hate mondays)
Hump Day (Over the Hump)
Friday Eve (To give you hope)

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i>Edited by: 1hotBUSA&nbsp; at: 11/11/05 5:58 pm

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