Where Speed Cameras in Sydny Harbour tunnel?
Hi Folks,

I travel to work everyday through the tunnel and slow right down - except today (*@&$) when I followed a car into the tunnel. I was near the limit and who knows, as I actually watch the road most of the time while Im riding (rather than the speedo) I may have gone over.

Does anyone know where the spped cameras are located in the north bound tunnel?


Pretty sure they are right in the middle not the ends - I have seen many a courier and truck go into the tunnel faster than 80 then slow right down just before the slop starts to level out - you might be lucky
Egos; everyone got one
its on the FLAT part and its well lit up.

jessie928 Wrote:its on the FLAT part and its well lit up.


The trouble is the bloody thing is well lit up
I'm still trying to find the one in the M5, I have a feeling they move them around
Dont no about the harbour tunnel. But in the m5 tunnel its about half way, right after the therd (3rd) tunnel speed sign. Thats once you entered the tunnnel the small(1 foot by 1food square) digital signs. But look out sometimes the first one is turned off!! You can also tell where it is from the dotted lines and wire senssors marked and inbeded on the road with a circlinder(flasher box) and a few meters way a sqare box mounted on the right hand side wall.
simmo Wrote:
jessie928 Wrote:its on the FLAT part and its well lit up.


The trouble is the bloody thing is well lit up
I'm still trying to find the one in the M5, I have a feeling they move them around

on the M5, eastbound the camera is at number 14 ( on the wall)
and westbound the camera is at 19

Very Happy

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