The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
bull shit
Used when disgusted or upset about something
1.When bobby was fired he remarked "This is bullshit!"
never fly higher than your angel.
bull shit artist
A bull shitter who is successful in avoiding detection may be referred to as a bull shit artist. Bull shit artists are quite dangerous and may say things with a high degree of confidence while, at the same time, having inadequate support for what they are saying, making their statements bull shit.
Its amazing how these politicians are bull shit artists.
That guy manages to pull so many girls even though he's unemployed; he's just a great bull shit artist.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull shitter
a.) A person who tells lies to get out of bad situations.

b.) A person that chats with someone who is incapable of understanding sarcasm.

c.) A person who lies to get in good with another.
I had to be a total bull shitter to keep from being grounded.
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull shitter
Someone who talks out of their arse whilst chewing on a kabab.
Dale B: I can fly,
Person: sure dale SURE
Dale B: no serious, i took lessons from superman
never fly higher than your angel.
bull shittin
juss having meaningless conversation with ppl that r more intelligent then that
yo lets bullshit
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Shizzdog
"Bull Shit" in slang.
That Hit Durkee gave me was Bull Shizzdog
never fly higher than your angel.
bull slap
To slap a bull on the ass.(As Defined in the movie Wild Hog's)
Hey taylor, lets go play a game of bull slap.
never fly higher than your angel.
A rather obnoxious rude septum piercing residing in my best friends nose. Therefore making her look like a bull from the distant lands of Zimbabwe. Meaning that she is officially the bull snout becuase of the peice of snot covered black metal through her egyptian wallpaper rack.
Lawrah: "Soo wheres your bull snout, bull snout?"
Steff: "Its hidden in the black abyss if my nose"

Sonny Moore "Look its the bull snout."
Steff: "Supp?"
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull Swoll
A predatory mammal. His skin is that of a female pleather coat, with frayed strips of fabric dangling from his arms, a trophy he took from one of his victims. With a head constantly on a swivel and a knee on a double hinge which allows him great flexibility, he stalks the killing grounds of the northern Delaware area for prey. His favorite targets are emotionally disturbed, bald women in excess of 300lbs. He stalks them voraciously before attacking the prey in their own vehicle where he has been known to mate with the sorry beasts for killing and devouring them. Considering extremely dangerous and rare, the last known Bull Swoll sighting was by one Adam Duffy on a foggy fall morning of 2002 as Mr Duffy was fellating his boyfriend, BT Lee in Mr Duffy's Chevrolet Cavalier which was painted a shade of gay yellow. If confronted by a Bull Swoll, do not move, they can only sense movement, keeping perfectly still will avoid a potentially deadly incident.
"Holy shit, Bull Swoll just looked at us, get down, don't move!"
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull titties
a large set of man boobs
tonys bull titties are sweating
never fly higher than your angel.
bull toe
A mans version of camel toe. Some jeans tend to be a little tight causing the mans nuts to bulge on each side of the seam.
Damn Bill, Are those your wifes jeans? You are blazing some mean bull toe.
never fly higher than your angel.
bull week
Workers on 'piece work' were paid two weeks in arrears so two weeks before a holiday they would try and make an extra piece (or pieces) an hour so that the pay packet they received before their holidays would be suitably inflated.
I'm not taking a tea break at the moment I'm on bull week
never fly higher than your angel.
bull yes
a word used lyk "sweet" "awsome" "YES!!" only much less trite
i just beat up skemo! BULL YES!!!!!!
never fly higher than your angel.
Bull's Piss
A mix of vodka and Red Bull Energy Drink.
Damn! This Bull's Piss got me hype but i can't move.
never fly higher than your angel.
The female equivalent of a metro-sexual. A woman who posesses the qualities of a stereotypical lesbian (bull-dyke) despite being heterosexual (breeder).
"C'mon, she works in construction! She has a mullet! She's GOT to be a lesbian."
"Nah, she has a husband. She's just a bull-breeder."
"Well, that's not exotic, is it?"
never fly higher than your angel.

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