The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.
Spider Monkies like banana daquiries.
A robin's egg is blue, but if you put it in vineger for thirty days it turns yellow.
The gene for the Siamese coloration in animals such as cats, rats or rabbits is heat Sensitive. Warmth produces a lighter color than does cold. Putting tape temporarily on Siamese rabbit's ear will make the fur on that ear lighter than on the other one.
An elephant can be pregnant for up to two years.
The penguins that inhabit the tip of South America are called jackass penguins.
And I'm done . . . . . . For Now.
BUSGO (4235 posts)
cAstAgeAr (3050 posts)
Mutha (3026 posts)
Gnarbunkle99 (2384 posts)
Madmax (2208 posts)

cAstAgeAr Wrote:Spider Monkies like banana daquiries.


I like banana daquiries.
An im not a spider Monkey.

Were so not going to get to a million posts lol Lol3
turkeys can reproduce without having sex
a giraffe can clean its own ear with its 53cm tongue
the average person spends two weeks of his or her life kissing
2 percent of aussie men claim to try more than 10 positions during sex
in 2004 germany won the boomerang world cup
the acient greeks believed drinking beer would cause leprosy

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