The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
In Japan meat from the 'Fugu' or spiny puffer fish is considered a rare delicacy, however the liver and intestines contain a powerfull neurotoxin and the slightest contamination during preperation can be deadly. Restaraunts who serve fugu must have 'Fugu certified' chefs. In japan about one hundred people on average die annualy from fugu poisoning.
If the Loch Ness monster exists at all, he (or she) could only be about as big as a sixth grader. A new study shows that there is only enough fish in the loch to feed a 31 kg (about 67 lb) creature. The scientists used sonar to estimate the number of fish in the lake and came up with an annual food supply of 93 kg. Since a cold blooded animal like Nessie would need to eat about three times its body weight each year, it could only weigh about 31 kg.
All the sturgeon (the fish from which we get caviar) caught in British waters are property of the Queen
The mother's purr acts as a homing device, announcing to her babies that nursing time has arrived. Kittens begin to purr in return at about one week of age - perhaps as a gesture of gratitude, or maybe as a request for milk - and continue to purr for the rest of their lives.
After cats eat, they always immediately bathe themselves. This is because their instinct tells them to get the food scent off them so that predators will not smell the food and come after them.
When cats are happy or pleased, they sqeeze their eyes shut.
How a cat 'speaks' is quiet remarkable. They don't speak phrases to express affection, outrage, hunger, loneliness, boredom, confusion, happiness and fear in their natural frequency range, which would be inaudible to humans, but at a much lower frequency that humans can hear. Some researchers believe they may have learned we can't hear them in their natural range and have adapted so they can relate to us on our terms.
The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as Gods. Any cat owner can tell you that cats have never gotten over it!
The reason for the lack of mouse-flavored cat food is due to the fact that the test subjects (cats, naturally!) turned up their noses at the formula!
The cat uses it's tail like a tight-rope walker uses a long pole - as a counterweight to aid balance. Even though the tail is useful for this, it is also used for communication purposes. Cats born without tails do manage, though. There are other methods of balancing
Did you know that cats can listen for prey by rotating their ears independently? Or that their whiskers can detect movements 2,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair? Or that house cats, unlike other domesticated animals, have changed very little over the past 4,000 years?
The infamous Black Plague in Europe was due in part to the fact that people believed those with cats were witches. So all the cats were rounded up, caged and burned, leaving the rats (with their disease causing parasites) to run free and multiply. Those harbouring cats were often those who survived.
Cats see so well in the dark because their eyes actually REFLECT light. Light goes in their eyes, and is reflected back out; their eyes actually work as built-in flashlights.
Based on an average life span of 11 years, the cost of owning a dog is $13,350.
Dogs only sweat from the bottoms of their feet, the only way they can discharge heat is by panting. Dogs and wolves yawn as a sign of contentment.

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