The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
King George I of England could not speak English. He was born and raised in Germany and never learned to speak English even though he was King from 1714 to 1727. He left the running of the country to his ministers thereby creating the first government cabinet.
Queen Anne had a transvestite cousin, Lord Cornbury, whom she assigned to be governor of New York and New Jersey. The colonists were not amused.
You would think that as the ruler of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the defender of the faith, Queen Elizabeth II could go anywhere in her country she darn well pleases. However, she is not permitted to set foot in the House of Commons. It is reserved for commoners.
Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I's mother, had six fingers on one hand.
In the Forteenth century, King Edward II reigned in England and was deposed, to be succeeded by his son, Edward III. The King was imprisoned in Berkeley Castle and instructions were that no one should harm him. When the decision was made to murder him, no mark was to be left on the body. A deer horn was inserted into his rectum and a red hot poker was placed inside that. His ghostly screams are said to be still heard in the castle.
Sir Walter Raliegh financed his trip to America to cultivate tobacco by betting Queen Elizabeth I that he could weigh the weight of smoke, which he did by placing two identical cigars on opposite sides of a scale, lighting one and making sure no ashes fell. The difference in the weight after the cigar was done was the weight of smoke and Raliegh was on his way to America.
Sir Thomas Crapper, attributed to inventing the flush toilet, was a nephew of Queen Elizabeth.
Spain, or rather the part of it which was called Castile, once had a reigning queen, who had been a nun. She was Doña Urraca of the house of Navarre who reigned from 1109 - 1126, daughter of Alfonso the VI of Leon and Castile. Later on she married and had a son who took the throne, when she died.
The French king Louis the XIV., also known as the Sun King, was with almost certainty not the son of Louis the XIII., but the son of the Danish nobleman Josiah Rantzau, who served in France as a general and marechal of France. Rantzau was very popular with the ladies on account of his great succes on the battlefields. It seems, that he was also a favorite of the French queen; and it is told, that he had to leave France when the boy Louis grew up, because the boy was the spitting image of Rantzau.
Richard Nixon has received more votes than any other person in American history. His three Congressional terms, two terms as Vice-President, his narrow defeat by JFK in the 1960 presidential, his run for the California Gubenatorial, his first election to the Presidency in 1968 and his landslide deafeat of Geroge McGovern (the largest in Presidential history until that time) makes Nixon the most voted for American politician ever.
Did you know that a vice-president got away with murder? Aaron Burr, who was Jefferson's VP, shot and killed Alexander Hamilton on July 11,1804 in a duel. The men decided on the duel based on insults exchanged over political issues. Burr was charged for murder in New Jersey, but the State never pursued to convict him on the grounds that 'civilized nations' do not treat dueling deaths as 'common murders.'
When the White House (President's residence) was constructed it was built of freestone a form of sandstone that is very porous and is highly susceptible to water damage, so the masons sealed the stone with a wash of salt, rice and glue. It was the building's first coat of white paint; soon it would be nicknamed the 'White House'.
Woodrow Wilson is the only U.S. president to this day to receive an earned Ph.D. His degree was in History from Johns Hopkins University.
Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the U.S. didn't vote until he was 62 years old and didn't even vote in his own election because he was a soldier & moved so often he couldn't establish legal residency until he retired.
President John Quincy Adams owned a pet alligator which he kept in the East Room of the White House.

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