Road Wankers
i had a guy that was 5 foot nothing and 30kg ringing wet jump out of his sparkly pink proton to have a few swings at me. the armour in the elbows of bike jackets isnt there for when you fall off your bike its there to belt peoples heads in

Dan85 Wrote:i had a guy that was 5 foot nothing and 30kg ringing wet jump out of his sparkly pink proton to have a few swings at me. the armour in the elbows of bike jackets isnt there for when you fall off your bike its there to belt peoples heads in

He must have been blind and stupid to swing at you fella, not exactly mother Nature's smallest offering are you!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:He must have been blind and stupid to swing at you fella, not exactly mother Nature's smallest offering are you!

lol.. We arent necessarily talking about the most intellegent people here
[Image: bmr.gif]
Madmax Wrote:He must have been blind and stupid to swing at you fella, not exactly mother Nature's smallest offering are you!

unfortunatly that i am not. but it does come in handy on occasion

Dan85 Wrote:unfortunatly that i am not. but it does come in handy on occasion

Does that mean that your avatar pic is NOT you Wtf

I never would have guessed.......
dont hassle the hoff!!!

Another story....

I had some wanker in a 4x4 not let me get past him heading to the Cahill expressway on the harbour Bridge in peak hour traffic. We are talking about 5kmh traffic and i would have been around and out of there in 2 seconds like the other 100 cars i passed.

This wanker pushed me off the road (I had his tyre marks on my suit pants) so I followed him (two cars behind, not harrassing etc) to tell him off. I parked 30mt behind him, took off my helmet and was about to get off my bike when he tells me to get off the property (a car sales yard) and he was going to cal the police.

He ran me off the road and he was going to call the police - wtf??

Moved the bike outside and waited about 10 mins and decided that no-one is that stupid so returned to work. On the way called into the local police station just in case... and he had reported me so report had to be filed etc.

Outcome - he hit me so there was an accident and he should have stopped to exchange details therefore I had the right to follow him. Even if we didn't hit as long as Im not harrassing or a predatory driver i can go on any public road in Australia. Haven't heard anymore but cops said they may just put it down to road rage.[/align]
There is no shortage of asshole car drivers on the road.
I could write a book and make a movie after years of courering on a motorbike. Biker

When I first started riding I used to take offence at drivers giving me shite. I've ripped windscreen wipers off and ripped off many side mirrors.

These days I don't waist my energy on them, I'll give them a bird and blow em a Big Kiss. Boobies4

I'm on the road every day and every day I come across some sort situation, by the end of the day I forget about it.
never fly higher than your angel.

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