Hi peoples,

My busa battery is dead. I rang PS for a new one (I can walk there from home) and they say $159 not charged.. lol.. I've got one that isnt charged the stoopid clowns.

Should I smak them in the heads and tell them to charge it or should I go somewhere and get an aftermarket rather than an oem?

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You are better off not to let them charge a new one if they don't know how to do it right.
If that 159 is for an OEM Yuasa, its about right.
You can get other brands for less than $80 that do the job.
I think a RIDESTAR (I think that is the brand) battery is just as good if you keep it on the road.

When charging a new battery, use the lowest amps possible for about 2 to 4 hours.
THAT IS ALL! Otherwise you are in danger of cooking it.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
mybb Wrote:Hi peoples,

My busa battery is dead. I rang PS for a new one (I can walk there from home) and they say $159 not charged.. lol.. I've got one that isnt charged the stoopid clowns.
Go straight to consumer affairs!
159 for a flat battery!!!
Makes me sooooo angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where ya been mybb
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Charged ones are real expensive.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Do yourself a favour and go for the better quality battery. I used to work in a battery charging workshop, and from experience, you get what you pay for when it comes to longivety of a battery.
Stick with OEM
I bought a Yuasa OEM replacement battery for my bike 4 weeks ago. I paid $88 for a gel cell battery that you charge yourself. Picked it up from Motor Cycle Accessories

Cheers Taub
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lol.. I dont mind spending the extra for the better battery, I just dont get why they come flat.. I will buy the better battery and a good battery tender/minder for it. I just didnt really want to charge it in my 28th floor apartment. With my luck i will wake up with the sprinklers showering me and the fire brigade at the door.
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Hi Rod, i've been hibernating. I havent ridden much in the last 10 months but I need the bike for transport for a while and I've found a new enthusiasm for riding again, so here I am. Now I just got to get my act into gear, get new battery, tyres, service.. all those fun costly things you do when you pull your bike out from under the covers. I will be riding a total of about 120km a day. That will put a few kms on the bike and give me an excuse to buy a brand new one this time next year.
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coz the OEM comes with acid seperately which the buyer can fill and is charged after 30 min standing tho recommended to have an additional low amp charge I repeat LOW amp not car battery chargers otherwise as said above it will cook and last only for a year and not 9 like my last OEM. some retailers are happy to fill the acid in for you, like Bikes & Bits on Nepean Hgwy, he always has that model in stock and bit cheaper.

PS. welcome back
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
The Gen 1 OEM battery is the freshest battery you can get because it comes "dry charged". When ready to put into service, simply put the electrolyte bottle over the battery and push down, the electrolyte fills the cells, let it gurgle away and cool down, then snap the battery cover down in place. No mess, no measuring, easy.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
get it azza - dont go cheap ;)

btw - call me ya barstool.
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electrolytes, bloody hell, ill just chuck some poweraide in it then
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