Bruce, Simmo and Heidi trip and live travel map
We're drinking in Geelong.

lucky bastard im drinking in my house on the gold coast
WHAT! WE WERE JUST THERE! Why weren't you buying us beverages! What has this club come to!!

P.S. Sorry Tez, we were in the main street looking for you, but we couldn't find the bikes and didn't have a phone number. The boys have just crashed, so we're off to bed. Next time.

BLACKZOOK Wrote:WHAT! WE WERE JUST THERE! Why weren't you buying us beverages! What has this club come to!!

P.S. Sorry Tez, we were in the main street looking for you, but we couldn't find the bikes and didn't have a phone number. The boys have just crashed, so we're off to bed. Next time.


Disappointed we couldn't find you all, Sorry I should of left my number. We got to Geelong about 8.15pm, we pimped ourselves up & down every main street in Geelong, all we come across were 3 Harley's, 2 motorized wheelchairs and a scooter.Biker

Well at the least we got out for a ride, we just wanted to wish you guys well and a safe journey home.

Corbin was heading down to Apollo Bay this evening and he said he saw 3 low flying Busas heading through Winchelsea, go guys Pi_thumbsup

never fly higher than your angel.
Hey our pockets where full of cash to buy your drinksBeer
Dave also had a gear sack of pressies for heidi Happy_bday next time.
never fly higher than your angel.
just home now might pop up there and wake yas!
Geelong already.
dont look at the map but u have just travelled a continent in 12 days..
2 words.
Fuckin heros.

We're not home yet, going to be damn careful on this last leg. Bruce's bike has developed an almighty wobble and we are all tired. We'll run around in circles when we hit the driveway of home.

It has been really nice having you all support us on this, it has given us a real charge every night, specially on the nights where we were too tired to post ourselves.


If you are coming up the Hume, be wary of the speed cameras on it in Victoria.

The speed cameras on the highway may check your speed between the cameras as well.

The Vic guys may be able to confirm this.

Have a safe ride home and I'll see you all at the Bbq tonight.

Busdriver (aka Les)
checked here early in the morning to see if we can meet you guys up for a send off, but no details posted, guess now on homeward leg youd be anxious to get an early start and make home safely. So sorry missed you guys, have an ezy trip home. Am not sure many around the world can boast the same as what you guys did, legendary stuff. Well done, look forward in reading your roundup. Have a great homecoming party in Canberra tonight.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Just arrived in Canberra all safe and sound, quick shower then we will post.
Well done guys and girl did you stop and buy me a lousy t-shirt on your trip Lol2
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Trophy Wooooooooooooo hooooo!


Welcome back!
pan Wrote:Trophy Wooooooooooooo hooooo!


Welcome back!

) You Guys and Girl are Amazing

Well Done

It is great to see you home safe!!!
what a great journeyParty-smiley-018

Andrew :)
FANTASTIC you three, great job. Hedi, how are you going to top this
for next year's the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if i had known i would
have baked a cake (the cook would have).i'm glad i got a chance to meet
the three most famous people in the club.When is the book out heidi,then the three put the aust busa club on the map(pun)& deserve a
new gen 2 busa each compliments suzuki & the aust tourist comission.
great work &thank's for the 2 weeks of entertainment following your travels.
I doff my hat to the three of you.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
The trio are here having a few soothing ales, and a barby. Safe and sound. Heidi is home from her lap and planing the next, Bruce and Simmo have yet to nurse Bruces bus home, tomorrow for that.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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