Oh Shit more shootings.
They have killed 20000 in Russia or China this year ,,, Now what can we ban here to give us some airplay.. Wouldnt u know it that f*&^ing poofBob (down) Brown the greeenie taking advantage of that nutcase overseas who killed those poor bloody kids to make some mileage for his party.
Gee that guy shits me.......gun control is tight enough in this country as it is and the majority of gun related crimes are committed with illegally obtained weapons anyway, further restriction won't do shit for the crime stats.....
this country has to many f*&^ing laws, to many f*&^ing do-gooders with no idea of what the real problem is

Don't give me a gun on a full moon Icon_rolleyes
never fly higher than your angel.
Mutha Wrote:Don't give me a gun on a full moon Icon_rolleyes

if mr brown's about i will..Coolrasta
ARh maybe we should ban suicide bombings ,,
Yep - more people are killed in cars and suicide bombing every year than get shot. I think we should ban all cars
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
Yes shits you its not guns that shoot people it is the person behind it Frown
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
regardless of what we can no longer have because of gun control i can still go down the street and buy a glock with 2 full clips for cost of a bottle of johny blue label. that wont stop with stricter gun laws

I'd like more gun control.

Missed a shot on my last requal Lol2

Busdriver (aka Les)
Dan85 Wrote:this country has to many f*&^ing laws, to many f*&^ing do-gooders with no idea of what the real problem is

This country has too many taxes and fines created to enforce too many laws. We wanted to be like the US of A and now we have succeeded. We have all their problems, and now even our children are not safe walking home from school in case they get nabbed.

Still hold the record for the most people shot in a mass murder in a day though..........good old USA has not taken that one off us....yet.
After the UK school killings years ago they banned ALL handguns except for a few that the farmer uses to put the cows down.. But wait,,,,, the new crime stats in the UK, the crime with handguns has DOUBLED since the ban. Work that one out.!!!!!
Make something illegal and there is always someone who'll start a very profitable business selling what has been made illegal.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Gun Control - Use both hands!

Gun Control involves hitting your target.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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