Bruce, Simmo and Heidi trip and live travel map
Wtf swing'n road trains Scary
never fly higher than your angel.
Yeah those road trains run long up there and the back end will really whip around massively! With 4 or 5 trailers being hauled they are massive.

Development road = don't expect much, although some are better than others.

Around cloncurry you have to watch the copper (???) road trains, slow long and tedious.
DjPete Wrote:keep those in between towns coming Heidi/Pan.
It helps when updating the map.

Will do! Just had a quick phone chat and that's all I got... besides, with their helmets on tight all day, I'm not sure their memory is going to be great in the evening, so we may have to guess where they went... or wait for photos...
pan Wrote:
DjPete Wrote:keep those in between towns coming Heidi/Pan.
It helps when updating the map.

Will do! Just had a quick phone chat and that's all I got... besides, with their helmets on tight all day, I'm not sure their memory is going to be great in the evening, so we may have to guess where they went... or wait for photos...
Sure sounds like use are having one hell of a road trip you lucky buggers.
I don't have to tell you guys the importance of keeping your fluids up in this dry hot weather do i Drool Beer

All the best you three and safe riding.
Keep it upright guys & gal, if you do run behind in your timetable i'll have a beer waiting in northern vic..
just for interest those fruit trees where just outside a lovely little berg by the name of Wallaville. Had you been listening to a GPS it probably would have tried to have go through the town. Diversion was done some 10 or 11 years ago but nobody has caught on.

Best way to treat the road trains is to slow down, get off the road and let them have it. At least once you get down to the Curry the single road is at an end till you get beyond the NT. Used be single from Isa to the border but was dualed about a year or 18 months ago.

Top travelling guys (and Girl), so envious. but just done the same kind of thing all around the UK for the second year running and have no significant amount of leave left for about 12 months. ah well Tassie next november I rekon

Kepp on the rubber side down yeah

I can't believe these guys are doing what they are doing.
Balls if you ask me.
It really is exciting watching the speed at which these guys are moving across Australia.
They have been a little quite of late.
I think the k's may be catching up with them.

In any case all the best guys and kudos to the 3 of you for just doing it.
DjPete Wrote:I can't believe these guys are doing what they are doing.
Balls if you ask me.
It really is exciting watching the speed at which these guys are moving across Australia.
They have been a little quite of late.
I think the k's may be catching up with them.

In any case all the best guys and kudos to the 3 of you for just doing it.

What you said Pete

Insanely envious of them.
Have a safe trip crew.......
It has certainly inspired me to get back out on the road after a dull wet winter.
I've even started thinking about a second bike for this sort of adventure but one where I can get off road as well.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Any idea where they are tonight?


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

hey took a while to find but we got there, parking space ready. give us a call a couples days out to let the crew know. you'll need a good dinner by then ? trowles is keen if fairing arrives, ben trying to change plans see ya then

from a 14 rider
Come on Heidi...I see you there.
Give us an update!!!
HELLO ALL!! We are stufferated. The ride was great, but the search for accomodation in Mt Isa was a complete bitch. I ended up throwing myself on the mercy of a lovely young women in a bottle shop who did a ring around until we found the last beds. Wont Simmo and Bruce be sad when they realise they have to share.

ANYWAY, back to the trip.

We left Serina by the skin of our teeth. We all got lucky and went to bed on our own. The pub stopped the jukebox around 2am, which was nice because the trains started around 3am. We got up in the dark, deciding that the earlier the start, the less likely we would end our ride in the dark. BULLSHIT! The sun hadn't even begun to appear when we carried our bags down to the bikes. Simmo and I were giving each other dubious looks, but Bruce was chivving us along so we humored him.

From Serina to Mackay and Townsville. We stopped for jerry cans in Ary. I spent ages buying a lovely 5 litre jerry can, which I bought out and proudly showed Simmo. He sent me back in to get a 10 litre one. Shamefaced I wandered back in, gave the girl another $4 and came out with my 10 litre one. Bruce took one look at my 10 litre can and decided it fitted in his bag better than the one he had bought, so we swapped.

WAIT! We have to go back and do washing, the boys smell. We'll finish back at the love shack.

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