08-09-2008, 06:36pm
<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=115048123271625474307.000456c22db3769010eab&s=AARTsJqHSaH44i75CqCPcCMG34UFXhOttg&ll=-31.052934,151.413574&spn=9.029442,14.0625&z=6&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=115048123271625474307.000456c22db3769010eab&ll=-31.052934,151.413574&spn=9.029442,14.0625&z=6&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
Click a bike icon for more info on each stop.
Drag the map to move it.
Use zoom buttons to zoom in and out for more detail
Click View larger map to see larger map and more options..eg see what the weather is like where they are.
You need to log in or sign up for a free Google account if you want to leave a message in the map messages section.
Simmo, Bruce and I are going around the country in 14 days, leaving Prospect at 7am this Saturday.
I suspect there is no sense asking us which day we will be where, we are doing 1200kms per day minimum, so we'll have a better idea once we actually hit the road. Here is a rough route that is subject to change when Simmo and I turn Bruce's bike around while he sleeps and we all head off the in the wrong direction the next morning.
Prospect, Windsor, Singleton, Gresford, Gloucester, Warrick, Cairns, Normanton, Cloncurry, Katherine, Port headland, Karratha, Bunbury, Busselton, Karridale, Albany, Esperance, Port Augusta, Adelaide, Mount Gambia, Melbourne, Sale, Bairnsdale, Batemans Bay, Sydney.
Doesn't look far, I think these boys are SOFT, surely we can do it faster than THAT!
Anyway. Does anyone want to meet us for an escort out of town at 7am Saturday morning from Prospect? If so, PM me for a price. If members are along this route and you'd like to catch up or ride with us for a bit, PM me and we'll take your phone numbers and give you a call when we are in range.
If the technology holds up, we'll be blogging from the road so you'll know where to come and find us if we end up rolling simmo in a tarp and leaving him on the side of the road.
Click a bike icon for more info on each stop.
Drag the map to move it.
Use zoom buttons to zoom in and out for more detail
Click View larger map to see larger map and more options..eg see what the weather is like where they are.
You need to log in or sign up for a free Google account if you want to leave a message in the map messages section.
Simmo, Bruce and I are going around the country in 14 days, leaving Prospect at 7am this Saturday.
I suspect there is no sense asking us which day we will be where, we are doing 1200kms per day minimum, so we'll have a better idea once we actually hit the road. Here is a rough route that is subject to change when Simmo and I turn Bruce's bike around while he sleeps and we all head off the in the wrong direction the next morning.
Prospect, Windsor, Singleton, Gresford, Gloucester, Warrick, Cairns, Normanton, Cloncurry, Katherine, Port headland, Karratha, Bunbury, Busselton, Karridale, Albany, Esperance, Port Augusta, Adelaide, Mount Gambia, Melbourne, Sale, Bairnsdale, Batemans Bay, Sydney.
Doesn't look far, I think these boys are SOFT, surely we can do it faster than THAT!
Anyway. Does anyone want to meet us for an escort out of town at 7am Saturday morning from Prospect? If so, PM me for a price. If members are along this route and you'd like to catch up or ride with us for a bit, PM me and we'll take your phone numbers and give you a call when we are in range.
If the technology holds up, we'll be blogging from the road so you'll know where to come and find us if we end up rolling simmo in a tarp and leaving him on the side of the road.
![Biker Biker](https://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/MyBB/images/smilies/biker.gif)
![Biker Biker](https://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/MyBB/images/smilies/biker.gif)
![Biker Biker](https://www.australian-hayabusa-club.com/MyBB/images/smilies/biker.gif)