World youth day
Did anyone see the procession, heres a photo a friend sent me
[Image: WYD.png]
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Somewhere in a Galaxy "Far far away".
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I reckon someone should have asked the pope to let the priests have a wife , would save a lot of kids.
I watched a lot of the WYD stuff on SBS. The "cattleticks" put on a bloody good show.
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kawasuki Wrote:I reckon someone should have asked the pope to let the priests have a wife , would save a lot of kids.

never fly higher than your angel.
TimF Wrote:I watched a lot of the WYD stuff on SBS. The "cattleticks" put on a bloody good show.

The paedophile mob puts on a top show. With the amount of money they get from their brethren, why wouldn't they ramp up the smoke and mirrors?

Words are just words. Until they stop sheltering child molesters they will continue to be paedophile sympathisers.

Max Australia2HayabusaAustralia2
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Mutha Wrote:
kawasuki Wrote:I reckon someone should have asked the pope to let the priests have a wife , would save a lot of kids.


yeah so true, i'm a proud Christian! and it's just not biblical the laws that this church impose on their followers!!!! they need to help their victims through the lives they have shattered, i think if they themself brought these tamperers out into the open and made sure they faced criminal charges and actually took responsibility for the past healing may happen.

just my two cents!!
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa
Now this should have been what the Pope should have got qround in a True Blue Aussie Ute.

Rev004 Wrote:Now this should have been what the Pope should have got qround in a True Blue Aussie Ute.

HaHa ... Thats awesome Clap
I thought his holiness's visit was fantastic.

I sure got touched by the pope down under, and
I liked it so much I bought the t-shirt.

[Image: tshirt.jpg]
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
m8ee Wrote:I thought his holiness's visit was fantastic.

I sure got touched by the pope down under, and
I liked it so much I bought the t-shirt.

[Image: tshirt.jpg]

Lol2 Lol2
Fark that said it all...

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