Heidi's EXCELLENT Adventure.
When is all this happening?

Busdriver (aka Les)
Busdriver Wrote:When is all this happening?

When are you working???
You need to give me dates. Then I can let you know if I'm in.

It's just tooooooooo confusing to tell you when I'm working. I have to keep looking at the roster every 2 days just to keep track myself.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Heidi1 Wrote:DUDE! COUNT ME IN! I'll have to work for a few hours, but that just means I will just have to catch up when I get there.

You are always welcome to host it at my house, my suburb is a lot seedier, I have no family to offend and the neighbourhood will welcome burnouts on the front lawn (is Les coming?), but your BBQ is better. I'm easy either way.

More beds, warmer - In Canberra at this time of year that is important.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Heidi1 Wrote:You coming Simmo?

12/13 July Ruffy. Bring Mrs Ruffy!!
Well I'm out. I'm working and unable to get leave.

And since I've already had it knocked back it's a bit hard to take a sickie.

Busdriver (aka Les)
I could wack you with a cricket bat. No really, I wouldn't mind.
Hate to be a pain but is it possible to reschedule for another weekend either before or after. I just found out today that my work trip to Europe is then, I leave on the 6th and get back on the 16th of July.

Hmmm could be fun Egyptian
ABSOLUTELY! It was a shit weekend for me anyway, I was going to have to leave you all and go to work for a few hours, SOBER! Alternatively, I was going to rock up to work three sheets to the wind, chuck in a few casual hours, maybe make a speech or two in front of 300 people, throw up in the bushes at the Library and then come back to the party.

We'll pick a new weekend and run it past the group. If neither Les nor Bruce can come, WHERE'S THE DAMN PARTY!

So Speedz, are you coming too? We haven't seen you in Canberra since the engagement!
Thanks Heidi.
Glen has the HIDs on the way, great service and price especially for a pair high and low beam setups.

I'll make us both a set of radguards especially after reading Tim's recent post.

I'm about to carve up my dads old wheelchair cushion and use the material to repad the seat on the K8. These cushions run to a thousand bucks each and are supposed to be the closest to human flesh in consistency. They feel freaky to touch. Designed to stop pressure sores for people with limited or no mobility. Do you think I'm taking the whole care for the bot bot thing too far?Biker
Well, I'm off this week end (21 & 22 June). My next week end off is 5 & 6 July. Then 26 and 27 July.

That's if they don't change it.

Busdriver (aka Les)
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Thanks Heidi.
Glen has the HIDs on the way, great service and price especially for a pair high and low beam setups.

I'll make us both a set of radguards especially after reading Tim's recent post.

I'm about to carve up my dads old wheelchair cushion and use the material to repad the seat on the K8. These cushions run to a thousand bucks each and are supposed to be the closest to human flesh in consistency. They feel freaky to touch. Designed to stop pressure sores for people with limited or no mobility. Do you think I'm taking the whole care for the bot bot thing too far?Biker

Heidi I know where you can get a set of 2nd had set of genuine radguards cheap
Bruce look under Tims post & I'll post a pic of the one I made up for mine
ps do you have a spare cushion

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